A Deal to Seal

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Time started again. Bipper didn't care. He hardly noticed it stopped in the first place.

"Take 5" he heard someone yell. It was Sherrif Blubs, he and Deputy Durland looked like they were trying to make a movie or something.

They had their uniforms in a nearby box. Bipper smiled as he pointed his finger at it. It caught on blue fire.

Sherrif Blubs and the deputy noticed and started freaking out. After they put out the fire they walked up to Bipper in their weird costumes. They must've heard him laughing.

"Kid, you've got 1 warning left. I'm surprised I haven't taken you to the station"

Bipper shrugged, station? wow, how threatening. Might as well say 'time out corner'

Blubs frowned. "You're coming with me."

"Did I say that out loud?" Bipper said.

Durland nodded.

"Sneak attack!" Bipper yelled as he threw fire at the ground all around. He escaped as the cops ran around with their pants on fire.

Bipper laughed the second he knew he was safe.

Soon after, he found his next victim. There was a blonde girl that looked popular. In the back of Bipper's mind he knew she was rich. Bipper imagined the rich girl whining at what he was about to do. He smiled.

"Hello." he said to the girl.

"Yeah, like I'm gonna say that back to you" She spat at Bipper.

Bipper smiled at her.

"What?" she asked impatiently.

"Just imagining your reaction."

"My wha- AAAAAAHHHH!" she shrieked as Bipper pushed her into a nearby mud puddle. He laughed.

"Ugh!" She shrieked. "I'll sue you, and I'll... I'll-"

"You'll what? Whine about it to your daddy? Or will you gossip about it with your 'friends' if you could even call them that."Bipper said coldly.

As Pacifica stormed away, Bipper shouted "Yea, go cry to your fraud family!"

How'd I know that? Meh, who cares. he thought.

He looked around for other things to do, until he spotted a water tower. Oh, yes he thought as he made his way towards it.

A green fire ball flew in the air and was about to hit him, until time stopped.

"Getting curious yet?" Bill said as he appeared above. "I'd move out of the way if I were you." He said as he pointed at the fireball.

"No." Bipper said as he took a step back.

"So I heard you like making trouble?" he said.

"What's it to you?"

"I've got a target... or two for you."

"What do I get out of it?"

"A good laugh... or if you want I could give you... this." He said as he held out a gold triangular medallion. When Bill hung it around Bipper's neck it started to glow. Bipper's eyes did the same.

"Where do I start?" Bipper said.

"Just shake my hand and seal the deal." Bill said as he reached out his hand.

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