Flipping the script

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Bill's wolf was trying to break the door down.

"I finally win!" Gideon cheered, not noticing the bang.

He snapped his fingers and his former cell mates grabbed and tied up Stan Wendy and Mabel.

"Ya forgot one." Gideon said pointing at Bipper.

They grabbed Bipper. "H-Hey I thought we had a deal!?" Bipper said in a voice that had a bit more Dipper to it than Bill.

"I don't recall." Gideon said.

They tied Bipper up and threw him with the others.

"The deal stated after we got out of there, you'd help me with something of my choosing, and you shook on it." Bipper said as his body played the flashback of them making the deal.

"Like I said, I don't recall... and what is that awful noise?"


"Uh, I think it's the door." Killbone said before it came crashing down.

The wolf walked in beside Bill.

Bill laughed. "Nice to see you practically did my work for me."

Bill's gaze drifted to Bipper's. "I see you found a bonus present for me."

Bill started up the memory erasing gun. He laughed.

"But... but... What?!" Gideon said confused.

Bill lowered the gun. "You're confused. I was hoping I wouldn't have to explain... but that guy," Bill pointed at Bipper. "That guy is a clone I created... well Dipper created after doing a spell for me."

"Dipper was doing spells for you?" Mabel asked.

Ignoring her question Bill went on. "Pine Tree almost listened to reason after I replaced a few of his memories... but then shooting star here had to foil my plans!" Bill gestured to Mabel.

"Woah, woah, woah. So that's why Dipper was acting weird? you were brainwashing him?" Wendy asked.

"Yes." Bill said briefly.

"After trying the phycological way and failing... I decided to change him physically. You see my wolf here can travel through dreams, like me. I decided instead of breaking into your home and starting a ruckus, I'd quietly slip my pets into his dreams. Then after one bite, they have control over his every limb making him weak. Easy to possess."

"Bill I will not have ya ruin my plans, just for Dipper's body! I wanted to be able to see the fear in all the pines family! not including my Mabel, of course." Gideon yelled.

"Jeez, kid calm down. You'll get to have your revenge on the kid, as soon as I... I... I... I..." Bill stared at nothing and his blood pressure accelerated.

He dropped the memory gun.

Everything went black and white around the group of people.

"Gideon, we did not sign up for this!" The former inmates said as they all ran out.

"Get back here!" Gideon yelled.

Everyone stared at Dipper. Bill was shocked to see he was pushed out out of Dipper's body.

The dark purple infection spewed out of Dipper's finger tips, creating one scythe and a 2nd dog. The infection scarred his eyes, he was able to see, but his eye sockets looked dark purple.

The bags under his eyes were still there.

"You will not hurt my family without going through us." Dipper said.

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