Chapter Five

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-- (NEW) Luke in MM.



I had done all that I could to stay away from Aubree but knowing he is so close and I cannot see him is driving me crazy.

I know he'll be mad for some time but, I just have to see him.

I have to hold him.

I have to be there for him.

I walked through the halls of the hospital until I was outside of him room.

I was more than nervous... More than anything, I just want him to allow us to spend this small amount of time together before he leaves.

While it won't do much, it'll make us both feel so much better.

They wouldn't allow Luke to spend the night and I'm sure if they see me, I'll be sent out of here as well.

I slowly opened the door and went inside.

The room was dimly lit from the light pole outside peering through his blinds.

I quietly laid my things phone and keys down as I took off my shoes and unzipped my jacket.

When I turned around he was staring at me... Making me almost scream.

"Hey." Was all I could get out.

I practiced my speech the whole way here and that was all that came out.

I stood there unable to move as he just stared back at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

I didn't know what to do so I just let my heart do the talking.

"I--I know I'm not suppose to be here but... I couldn't-- I mean, didn't want to--"

"Come here." His deep voice shut me up.

I slowly approached him in the hospital bed and I could see him so much better.

"I thought I told you to stay away." He pulled me into a hug.

"I don't listen." I admitted.

We hugged for the longest time.

All I've been wanting for this entire time is to be in his arms and now here I am.

I'm happy.

I began kissing him and his tongue slowly crept into my mouth.

He broke the kiss long enough to tell me he missed me.

"I missed you, too." We stared in each other's eyes until he went back to tongue kissing me.

It was so deep and passionate my body was feening for his touch as his hands roamed all over my body.

I removed my clothing so he could feel my naked body as I gently climbed into his bed.

I was cautious of his injuries, just like last time.

"I need to feel the inside of you." He sighed.

I removed the cover and exposed his erect penis.

It has definitely been a while and the fact that I once took all of this made me wonder if I even had any walls left.

I got down and began giving him head as he groaned and tried to keep from moaning but to no avail, he let it out.

I smiled to myself as I continued bobbing my head up and down.

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