Chapter Seven

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Friday, Jan. 7th, 2022


"Come here." Arianna tapped me.

I got up and followed her upstairs.

"What's wrong?" I asked, closing my bedroom door behind us.

We were having a girls night and everyone was just getting here good.

"Nothings wrong, Li." She assured me. "I just wanted to talk to you about trying something out that I'm working on." Arianna tapped me.

I stood there with a questionable facial expression.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Just been dabbing into skin care, lipsticks, makeup, stuff like that. All natural products though."

"Ari! That's not dabbing, you're serious about it." I replied.

She smiled. "I guess so, I just didn't know how everyone would react and--"

"Fuck everyone. It makes you happy?" She nodded. "Then go for it. Hell yeah I'll support, I'll wear it. How much are you selling it for?" I asked.

"Well, it's more to it..." She bit her lip.

"Arianna, I'm your sister. If you want me to invest in your dream then say that, baby sis." I sat down on the bed.

"Aaliyah, will you be part owner of my skin care and makeup brand?" She asked, passing me an envelope.

I looked at her for a moment before I opened it up and skimmed through the papers she had drawn up.

"Arianna, if you're serious, I don't want to own a part of your shop. I will give you the money, just let me know an amount." I passed her the envelope back, since I won't be needing it.

"Awww, Aaliyah!" She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly.


Truth or dare, Li." Jas' drunk ass smiled at me.

"Dare." I laughed.

"I dare you to... Go outside im the middle of the street.... buckettttt naketttt OR take a shot of every liquor we have in this house." She smiled so evil, thinking I was going to take the shots.

I fooled her when I began removing my clothes, causing her to gasp.

"Li, you wouldn't." Trish looked at me with wide eyes.

I busted out laughing, I was out of my shoes and jacket.

I removed the rest of my clothes and I was down to my bra and boy shorts.

"Aaliyah Janelle!" Arianna shrieked.

"Naaaah, I'm under the impression y'all thought I wasn't going to do it." I smirked.

I walked to the foyer and they followed, ready to indulge in some bullshit.

I removed my boy shorts and swung the door open just as I was unsnapping my bra.

I stepped outside.

"I'm here for it!" Harmony busted out the house behind me fully naked.

"Look at you! It wasn't even your dare!" Arianna yelled.

Harmony laughed and interlocked our fingers.

"Come on sis. Surprise these bitches." She encouraged me.

I began walking and Harmony talked about whatever she wanted to, as if she didn't care.

"It's freezing out here!" I yelled out.

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