Chapter Nine

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Tues., January 11th, 2022


"... Ms. Davenport, he was in his block all afternoon. If he had a visitor, he would've been immediately notified and taken to visitation." Yet another officer told me.

"There's no way, I came there and--" The phone disconnected.

I had been calling people all morning trying to see what was going on with Aubree but all I'm getting is, he was in his "block"

But if he was in his cell, why wasn't he able to see me?

I slammed my phone on the desk and tried to contain my frustrations.

I had my own work to do today and I needed to focus.

I glanced at the clock, realizing I needed to be in court by 9.

I shook my head as I gathered my files and personal belongings.

I locked up my office and turned around to see Jameson coming into the building.

I put everything down and ran to him.

"Hey beautiful!" Jameson smiled as we engulfed each other in a hug.

"How are you, my love?" I asked.

"I am well, how are you?" He asked.

"Babe, so much better with you in the same continent!" I joked.

"Girl, you need to go. It's everything over there." He smiled.

"I know, I know. I'd love to go but it seems weird to go all the way to Belgium, or anywhere, and anything could happen with the business, Aubree, my parents--"

"Li, I understand that but you cannot worry about everyone else. Sometimes you have to be selfish and do what you want to do in life. Those who understand, will get it--"

"And those who don't?" I asked.

"They don't get you."

I took in everything Jameson was saying and he was right. I have to start living for me.

"I have to get to court babe. Can we finish this talk afterwards?" I asked.

"Of course. Go, I'll hold things down here." He smiled.

I picked up all my things and headed out the door.

I flew to the court and arrived just in time.

I took my seat in family court and took notes on the two cases I was there for.

"Ms. Davenport, your professional opinion?" The judge asked.

I stood up and cleared my throat.

"Your honor, I think, Ms. Hanna Snyder is a parent who will always do what's best for her children, she turned her own kids in because she wanted better for them than she could provide at the time." I explained.

The judge finished writing and then looked back up at me.

"Do you feel like the children will be safe with her?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I responded.

"Were you shown evidence of... A home, steady income and negatives on all drug testing?" He asked.

"Ms. Snyder never had a drug problem, she was a mother who fell on hard times." I clarified. "But we did test her, all were negative. She showed us her lease and a current paystub. However, since Ms. Snyder did lie to us before, we took it upon ourselves to further verify her employment and living situation." I explained.

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