Chapter Seventeen

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AN:// All Grown Up will be ending soon, there's about 6 - 8 more chapters, including the Epilogue.
Yall are amazing!
Thank you all for reading my story.


Fri. Feb 18th, 2022


I walked into the mini mansion, knowing there was more to this.

I came out here alone, on some different shit.

"Yo?" I announced myself as I walked in.

"I'm in here." I heard.

"Yo, Donnie?" I questioned.

Shortly after, he popped up and laughed as he dapped me.

"Maaaan, what the fuck is up, my guy?!" He laughed.

I shook my head as I laughed at this crazy ass guy.

This nigga always been funny as hell but he'll murk some'n right now for even looking at him too long.

"You been off the fuckin' grid. I should be asking you that shit." I playfully shoved him and he went into his defense.

"You still hittin' on me like I won't kill you." He laughed as he signaled for me to follow him.

"Say, bro, who decorated? Cause I know you ain't do this shit." I asked as I looked around.

"My mama." He cheesed as we went into the kitchen.

"This shits nice, bro. I fuck with all of this." I continued looking around while I pulled the barstool under myself to sit in.

"I wanted to talk to you." He got serious.

Now, Donnie knows I don't play about business so this better be foreal & if it is, it better be some together type of shit. Nothing messy.

"Yeah, what's what?"

I sat aside all personal shit. This was strictly business.

"You don't dabble deeper into this lifestyle, why is that? I heard your aim is impeccable, you always hit your targets." He began.

I couldn't agree more.

"I don't because the drugs, clubs, prostitution, guns, tying it all in with the many legal businesses I have... all of that shit takes up most of my time. Not to mention my own personal life that I try to throw in the mix too." I explained.

He nodded as he poured his coffee.

"How about the hitman business?" He asked, before he blew and took a sip of his coffee.

"Elaborate." I leaned in some.

"Well, let's start with your language." He picked up a duffel bag.

He passed it to me and gestured for me to open it.

"What's this?" I asked, skeptical.

He smacked his lips, "Just open it."

I opened the bag and it was full of stacks.

"What's this for?" I asked, zipping it back closed.

"For your time this morning, no commitments. Just for your time, your input and your expertise." He said.

I put the bag on the ground.

'"Well, I'm here. Talk to me." I said.

He pulled out files.

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