Chapter Eleven

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I walked into the house and the smell of pumpkin spice hit my nose. While I always hated this smell, Aaliyah loved it but given the smells I've been inhaling for 4 years, this is actually nice.

"Liyah." I called out.

"Are you fucking serious?!." She responded.

I followed where I heard her voice come from and eventually found it.

The candles were lit, the vibe was definitely there, the music was going and she was standing there in a short silk robe.

"You remember what I like?" I bit my lip.

"I'm so happy to see you but I'm about to cry." She approached me.

"Nah, you're done crying over me." I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.

"I need a kiss." She sniffed.

I smirked as I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist.

I pecked her lips a few times before she slipped her tongue into my mouth and we went at it.

I laid her on the bed and began unbuttoning my pants.

"Fuck." I groaned because I accidentally ran my hand across her pussy.

She was so wet already and I hadn't even began doing all the things I've imagined doing to her.

"Babe." She panted as she pushed me away some.

"What's wrong?" I looked in her eyes.

"I just haven't seen you in a long time." She wiped away her own tears.

I cleared my throat as I stood up, I wanted this girl so bad but it's cool, I'll have her eventually.

"Wanna... Wanna watch tv?" I buttoned my pants back.

She nodded.

"Okay, cool." I ran my hands down my face.

I wasn't upset over sex, that's little boy shit but damn I want her.

"I had the shower water on for you." She told me.

I nodded as I took a deep breath.

"I'll take a shower then." I began stripping out of my clothes.

I don't even know how I feel about her not wanting me the way I wanted her... but she was wet so--

"Aubree." She called me.

"Yeah?" I raised my eyebrow as I turned around.

"It's not that I don't want sex with you. I do. I just--"

"It's cool babe, I ain't trippin' over it." I shrugged.

I walked off and into the bathroom.

I took a nice and long shower, I couldn't tell you how long I stayed in just handling my body without having to look over my shoulder.


"Yeah?" I closed my eyes as the water ran down my face but the shower door sliding open made me open them.

"Mind if I join?" She asked, stepping in front of me.

"I don't, I'm done anyway." I told her.

"You're getting out?" She asked.

"I'm tryna respect your wishes but it'd be hard to do with water running down your naked body. So yeah, I'm getting out." I stepped out and closed it behind me.

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