Chapter Eighteen

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... Somebody told me it was pointless for me to come back
Into your arms
Said you f***ed another man
I knew this day would come
whoa oh oh
'Cause I see fear in your eyes
You've been living out your life
As long as you know that
when I land you're mine...
It's been exactly 365
Since I've seen your face
I've been living on the road
And you've been living all alone
At home
Girl I hope
He made you satisfied
Well baby I won't cry
As long as you know that when I land you're mine
And you will never feel so pretty
And you will never feel this beautiful
When I make it there
Oh when I make it there
The Weeknd - Pretty



"Yeah?" I wiped my hands and jogged over to the door, stopping dead in my tracks.

My mouth fell slightly agape as I felt my breathing get caught in my throat.

What. The. Fuck.

I didn't know what to say or do so I stood there, all of us did.

"Aaliyah, if this man is standin' here because he thinks y'all had something, you needa tell him what it is now, before I knock his strong ass down." Aubree calmly said but I think we all know by now, that's the worst thing for him to be right now.

"W-What?" Was all I could say.

"Yo, is this your mans?" He asked, all of his calm demeanor was quickly leaving and I was fearing for every life involved.

"Aubree.." I didn't know what to do y'all! I was literally stuck.

I would have never expected this.

"Aubree what? Say something before I choke yo fuckin' ass, yo." He got in my face.

"Aye man, don't do her like that." Case ran up and grabbed Aubree, quickly hitting him in his jaw.

My mouth dropped. "Case! Don't--"

Aubree was so quick, Case never saw any of those hits coming, shit I barely saw them.

Before I knew it, he was wailing on Case, not showing any signs of letting up so I had no choice but to intervene.

I pulled Aubree as hard as I could but that only ripped his shirt. He never budged.

"Aubree, please!" I screamed.

He froze, breathing heavily.

"Aaliyah." He never looked at me. "Did you fuckin' fuck this man?" He asked.


"It was only once, yo! I ain't know she had a man and I definitely ain't know it was you! She ain't say shit." Case tried to explain as blood seeped through his teeth.

"Yeah?" Aubree finally looked at me, making me take some steps away from him.

"Bro, you can have her tomorrow, I'm dealing with her tonight." Aubree helped Case up and out the door.

Once that front door closed, I knew it was about to get real in here tonight.

"Aubree, baby, I can--"

"Shut the fuck up!" He took his middle and pointer finger to mush me in my forehead so hard that I was looking at the ceiling.

"Nah, you wanna explain right? Like I wanted to explain my shit to you! Right?!" He shoved me so hard that I fell onto the ground.

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