Chapter 1

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Mal and Evie were in their dorm and Evie kept annoying Mal with trying to make her fit dresses "Mal, you're going to fit the dresses no matter what so just work with me and stand still, or do you wanna go to your graduation in your bathrobes" Evie said, "E I hate dresses so actually I wouldn't mind that much to go in normal clothing" Mal said back "and we both know that I would burn down the castle before I let that happen, and once your queen you'll have to get used to dresses M" Evie replied a little annoyed "ugh alright fine, but only one E" "whatever you wish, your majesty" both the girls start laughing. After half an hour (felt like two hours for Mal) Evie was done, Mal would be waiting a cute purple green dress to the graduation, now all that was left was homework Mal sighed as she got her school books and started with her math

After a couple hours of homework and studying the girls were done "finally, I thought we'd never finish" Mal said while putting her school stuff in her bag again "same, since when do teachers give so much homework in the graduate year. And Mal if you lose your stuff again then just try to remember that you put them in your bag" "yes mom" Mal replied sarcastically they both laugh as Uma storms in panting from apparently running from something or someone
"Uma what's up ?" Evie asked curiously "oh nothing, what's so funny ?" "Me and my sis" Mal said still laughing a little and puts her arm around Evie's neck. After the girls got over their biggest laughter Mal cleared her throat letting them know she wanted to tell something "oh god" Uma said dramatically "the future queen wants to say something" she said laughingly "hahaha very funny" Mal answered sarcastically "well it is true, Evie I wanted to ask you to be the maid of honor at my wedding" "OMF (oh my fairy) yes" Evie said nearly crying and hugging Mal, once their hug was over Mal turned to Uma "I wanted to ask you if you'd be one of my bridesmaids" "I'd be honored Mallie" Uma said smiling knowing Mal hated being called that "first of all my name is not Mallie" Mal said a little mad "second thanks girls you've help me a lot" they hugged for some time not noticing the dark female like figure staring at then trough the window. "But Mal who are gonna be you're other bridesmaids ?" Uma asked standing up from their hug " I was thinking about asking Jane and Lonnie but I haven't asked them yet" well then you better hurry with that, wait I'll text them to come" Evie said while getting her phone and texting Lonnie and Jane to come to her dorm "seriously Evie" Mal said rolling her eyes "yep, the wedding is in one month and I knew you'd forget to ask them before that so I just helped you a little" "alright fine" Mal said knowing she wouldn't be able to win this argument.

As Mal was about to try and argue back with Evie they heard a knock on the door "doors open" they all said "hi girls" Mal said as she saw Jane and Lonnie coming in "hi" Uma said "hi girlies" Evie said a little bit to excited "hi girls, having fun ?" Jane asked "what's so important I don't wanna be late to tourney practice" Lonnie said a little annoyed "well, I wanted to ask you and Jane if you'd like to be the bridesmaids alongside Uma on my wedding next month" Mal said "OMF yes I'd love to" Jane squealed "I'm honored Mal, and for you're info that's definitely a yes" Lonnie said smiling "but now I'm going to tourney practice so I'll see you girls later bye" Lonnie said while leaving the dorm "bye" all the other girls said "so what do we do now ?" Jane asked "how about a movie night and a sleepover" Mal suggested "sounds fun" "I'm in" "how could I say no" all the other girls replied "great" Mal said while laughing a little "now let's get this party started"

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