Chapter 4

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After Mal and Ben watched some movies (and had a few make out sessions) Ben stood up and took Mal's hands in his "Mal" he said "I don't wanna pressure you into anything, but we're gonna have to start thinking about having a family and stuff" he ended his sentence "I know" she said " and don't worry about pressuring me sweetie, I've actually also been thinking about it a little" "oh really" he said happy that he didn't have to worry about it anymore "yes" she said then she left the room "where are you going" Ben asked "going to get something I'll be back" "okay" he said, a few minutes later she came back with what looked like a painting as he looked at it he saw that it was a painting of him and Mal who was very pregnant (in the painting) at the enchanted lake with in between them a little purple haired girl, "Mal" he said "you've painted our family" "yeah, well a little it's more of like a prediction of what our family could look like" she said a little shy "it's beautiful" he said smiling and went to hug Mal, "but do you wanna have a family" he asked her "yes I'd love to" she answered "I'm just scared that I'll turn out just like my mom" she added "believe me honey you won't, you're nothing like you're mother" he said knowing that Mal would be an amazing mother "how do you know that" she said "Mal you have more love in you're pinky finger then your mom had in her entire body, you're gonna be the most amazing mom and I can't wait to see you holding our little prince or princess" he said "me neither I must admit" she said back smiling they  hugged for a while again not noticing the black figure watching them from outside the window "but when, I mean were at-least gonna wait until after the wedding" she said "after the wedding when we feel like it's the right time" he said "sounds perfect" she said smiling, their moment was interrupted by a cackle Mal knew all to well "Mom" she almost screamed in shock "never thought you'd see me again now did you little devil" Maleficent said "leave me alone" Mal said her eyes glowing green "is that a challenge" Maleficent said her eyes glowing green as well "no mother" Mal said calming down "it's not, I just know that all you do is course trouble and that's the last thing I can use right now" Mal finished her sentence "I know" Maleficent replied calmly "how" "first I know myself, second you really should pay more attention to windows" Maleficent said "wait you were spying on me" Mal said furious "I would call it seeing what's going on in my daughters life" Maleficent said "yeah like you ever cared" Mal said rolling her eyes "girls not trying to interrupt you're uhm mother daughter moment but, maybe we should all calm down and talk like normal people not fight like dragons" Ben said "yeah you're right I'm losing myself" Mal said breathing heavily trying to calm down "not that I care but I will do as you wish you're majesties" Maleficent said cackling and disappeared "wait mom, ahh fuck" "Mal watch you're language" Ben said smiling kinda loving how Mal doesn't care about her language "sorry, but we're gonna be in big trouble with my mom if we don't find her soon" Mal said a little annoyed "I know, we'll have to tell my parents I mean they've dealt with her before" "Ben she's my mother I know her, she isn't gonna stop until she gets what she wants" Mal said "I'm gonna go looking for her and then we'll see where it goes from there" "Mal no way I'm gonna let you go alone I'm going with you" "Ben she's dangerous I don't want you to get hurt and besides I can handle her" Mal said "Mal she could be the devil himself and I'd still come with you" Ben said while hugging Mal tightly, he felt her body shocking a little as she started crying softly "I just hope she won't cause a lot of trouble" she said "I know hon, I know, don't worry we're gonna find her before it's to late I promise" he said still hugging and comforting his crying purple haired Fairy.

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