Chapter 3.2

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Mal woke up the next morning feeling a bit nervous, today she was gonna meet the council. After some studying, dress fitting with Evie and some more homework Mal heard a knock on the door "I'll get it" Evie said while opening the door and letting Ben in "hi girls" he said "hi Ben" "hi sweetie" Mal said while walking to Ben and kissing him on his cheek "ready to meet the council" he asked "guess so" Mal replied "now E as you see I have to go so see you bye" Mal said to Evie while giving her a hug and left with Ben, as they arrived at the meeting Ben saw that Mal was very nervous "what's up hon" he asked "nothing sweetie" she replied "just a little nervous" "you're gonna be fine don't worry" he said, she took a deep breath and then they walked in, "what is she doing here" Ben heard Queen Leah (sleeping beauty's mother) say as Leah nodded towards Mal "I might wanna ask the same thing to you Leah" he replied calmly "Aurora and Philip couldn't make it, so that's why I'm here but you still haven't answered my question you're highness" Leah said "I'm here because" Mal started a little offended "I wanted her to meet the council" Ben finished her sentence "anyway, as you all know" he started again "this is my fiancé Mal" he said while putting his arm around her neck and he couldn't stop himself from smiling, everyone introduced themselves to Mal, Leah was still grumpy she didn't really like Mal, after the meeting was finished Ben and Mal spent the rest of the day chilling and watching movies.

One week later: graduation day
As Evie was done with her hair she started with her makeup, she wanted to look perfect for her graduation "morning blueberry" she heard someone say behind her "hey strawberry" Evie replied knowing it was Mal standing behind her "see you're ready to go" Mal said laughing a little "not even close, now come here you so I can do you're hair" Evie said while Mal was walking towards her "yes E" Mal said as she said in front of Evie
As Evie finally was done with both their hair and makeup she helped Mal carefully put on her dress "E I'm not gonna wear heals" Mal said while Evie was trying to make Mal wear heals "to late" she replied as she already had put the shoes on Mal "you weren't gonna give me a chose where you" "nope not a chance" Evie said laughing at her bestie, when both of the girls had their shoes and dresses on they talked for a while before going to Auradon prep where they would get their diploma in a (in Mal's point of view to big and fancy) ceremony. When everyone was there Fairy godmother started the ceremony "1 2 1 2 can everybody hear me" she asked "yes" everyone there said, as Fairy godmother went on Mal got nervous and started to twirl her engagement ring around, "auch" she said as softly as she could when Evie pinched her arm "you better go now before you're not getting you're diploma strawberry" Evie whispered in Mal's ear, Mal looked around for a sec and then realized that is was her turn to go to Fairy godmother to get her diploma, she quickly walked up to the stage trying not to fall on her heels, when she got on the stage Fairy godmother said a few words about Mal and then (finally) gave her her diploma.

When the ceremony was done and everyone got their diploma Ben walked up to Mal "looked like you were somewhere else with your mind today" he said smiling "huh, oh yeah I wasn't really paying attention" she said still somewhere else with her mind "what's going on sweetie" Ben said while putting his arm around her "nothing just something's off" she said while resting her head on Bens shoulder "you sure nothings wrong ?" He said "yes I'm sure, just a gut feeling don't worry about it" Mal said, Ben knew arguing was pointless "how about we head to my room and have a movie night" he asked her smilingly "sounds great" Mal said while kissing Ben on his cheek.

As Mal and Ben where walking Mal saw her mom in the corner of her eye, or at-least she thought so, when Mal turned around to check there was no one must have been my imagination she thought.

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