Chapter 8

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"Okay Mal you got this, it's not that hard just do it" Mal said to herself sighing looking at the test in her hand, it was later that day and she was home again from her little get together with Uma, "yeah right just do it" she said walked to the bathroom and took the test, around ten minutes later she got the test from the bathroom again and looked at it "OMF" she squealed as she saw the two stripes on the pregnancy test "okay what's going on where's the fire" Evie said while running in the room "no fire E, just this" Mal said while handing Evie the test "OMF, Mal you're pregnant" Evie said while hugging Mal "so when are you gonna tell Ben" Evie asked "what do you need to tell me" Ben said while coming in from his office "well this hon" Mal said and gave Ben the pregnancy test he looked at it for a second smiled picked Mal up and swirled her around "I'll leave you two alone" Evie said and left the room, "Mal were gonna be parents" Ben said while putting Mal down again "yes, can you believe it" she said smiling widely "we'll have to tell my parents, we could tell them at diner tonight" Ben suggested "we could, but maybe we should wait until after our first doctors appointment so we're sure everything is going well" Mal said "good idea, I'll make an appointment" "you do that hon" Mal said and kisses Ben on his forehead he left to his office and Mal could hear him calling "got an appointment in five weeks" he said while coming back from his office "okay, well I guess maybe we could tell you're parents" Mal said back "probably then they at-least know" he said "yup"

That evening Mal and Ben walked to the dining room for diner with Bens parents "hi guys" Belle said "hi kids" Adam said "hi pops" Ben said "Hi guys" Mal said smiling (ever since she found out that she was pregnant she couldn't stop smiling, and neither could Ben) "I see you guys are happy" Belle said while walking in the dining room alongside Adam Mal and Ben "yep we sure are" Mal said as she sat down on her chair "actually pops, Mal and I have some news but we'll tell it after diner" Ben said "okay" Adam said, they all sat down and ate diner once they were done "So what's the news son" Adam said "well" Ben started Mal took a deep breath and said "I'm pregnant" "OMF really" Belle said nearly crying happy tears "congratulations guys" Adam said they all hugged.

The next day Mal woke up with Bens hand on her belly "good morning babe" he said "morning hon" Mal said and turned around to face him "ready for you're coronation" he asked smiling "I guess so" Mal replied "now let's get ready" Mal said while yawning and got out of bed. They both took a shower and got dressed half an hour they both were done "do you think it's a boy or a girl" Ben asked "honestly I don't know, but I kinda have a feeling it's a girl, what do you think" Mal said "I think it's a girl as well" he replied "and then you'll see it's a boy" Mal said laughing "as long as it's healthy it doesn't matter" Ben said and hugged Mal, ten minutes later the got a sigh that it was time to go, as the carriage was riding towards the church where Mal would be crowded Queen, Mal got a text from an unknown number 'enjoy this while it last' it read "what's up hon" Ben asked as he saw Mal looking kinda shocked "what oh nothing" Mal replied while quickly putting her phone away "okay if you say so sweetie" Ben said while taking Mal's hand as he knew she was nervous.
Once Mal's coronation was over and she officially was queen, she went for a walk through the forest (again) "hope you're enjoying this while you can" someone said behind her "mom" she screamed as she turned around and saw her mom behind her cackling  

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