Chapter 17

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One year later
"Mamma" "yes Rose" "up up" Mal picked up Rosalie (one year old now) who whispered in her ear "how baby is" Mal tried to hide how surprised she was from Rose, she had thought she might be pregnant again but she wasn't sure yet, "baby is great" she whispered back and Rose smiled "Rose" "yes mommy" "baby is still a surprise for daddy okay so" "I don't tell" "indeed, I'm proud of you princess" Mal put down Rose who started playing with a toy dragon Mal watched her play until she felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom to throw up 'morning sickness' she thought 'more like all day sickness' "are you okay hon" Ben asked, he heard Mal vomit and came in starting to rub her back, "I'm fine hon, just ate something bad" "you sure, you've been trowing up for the past 6 weeks, maybe we should go see a doctor" "yeah maybe, now let's go back before Rose eats her toys or something like that" Ben nodded and left about five minutes of vomiting later Mal came out of the bathroom and joined Ben with watching Rose play, about a week later Ben and Mal went to the doctor (again Amanda the one who also was there when Mal was pregnant with Rose) "so Mal how long have you been sick" Amanda asked "for about 6 weeks now" "alright let's do an ultrasound to see what's going on" Mal nodded and pulled up her shirt, Amanda put a cold jell on Mal's belly and started the ultrasound "Congratulations guys Mal is pregnant with twins" Amanda said Mal and Ben smiled they kinda had a feeling already "Mal you're about 8 weeks along so we definitely should be able to hear heartbeats" Amanda pressed a button and they heard the heartbeat of the first baby "that's baby number one" Amanda said she moved the thingy that makes the ultrasound around a little and then they heard another heartbeat "and there's baby number two".
Two hours later Mal and Ben where back home with a few ultrasound pictures and sat down in the couch with Rose and Mal showed her a picture "baby" Rose said giggling and pointing at the ultrasound "two babies" Mal said "brother and sister" Rose said "or two sisters" Mal said "or two brothers" Ben added "no sister and brother" Rose said Mal and Ben laughed at the determination of their little princess
Four weeks later
Mal was now twelve weeks pregnant, morning sickness started to stop, and she started to show a little, it was, finally, (rose thought she had to keep it a secret for to long) time to tell the family, they were going to have diner with the family (the core four Belle, Adam, Hades and Maleficent) they would tell the new then (Rose couldn't wait), that night the whole fam sat down for diner after everyone was talking and comfy it was time to tell the good news "okay pops Mal and I have some news" Ben said "oh help here we go" Hades joked "ohh we're in trouble the king and queen want our attention" Maleficent added "okay joking aside what's the news" Belle said trying to hold back her laugh "well" Ben started "we're excited to say that two new family members are going to join us in about 6 months" Mal finished the sentence "OMF that amazing" Belle squealed "congrats kids" Adam said "wait did you say two" Maleficent asked Mal nodded "Mallie you're having twins" Hades said in disbelieve "yep we sure are" Ben said smiling, after lots of hugging Mal had to show her belly on request of Belle and Maleficent "these two are sure growing in there" Belle said "yeah I feel a lot bigger that I was with Rose, but it's probably because now it's two not just one" Mal said laughing a little "just wait until the last trimester dragon" Maleficent said and laughed "oh god mom I don't wanna think of it" everyone laughed and had a fun time
The next day it was time to announce it to the kingdom Mal whore a shirt that made her belly look bigger then it already was (Which she didn't appreciate because she felt like her belly was big already) and she, Ben and Rose walked outside for the press conference "Queen Mal" one of the reporters started after seeing her belly "are you trying to tell us something" he finished "yes she is, we are happy to say that Mal and I are expecting twins" Ben answered, after a bombardment of questions they finally where back inside Mal was exhausted and went to bed, Ben was watching Rose who also was tired so she quickly joined her mom in bed and fell asleep next to Mal Ben took a picture of then and then laid down next to Mal's other side and also fell asleep

Rose ⤵️

Rose ⤵️

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