Chapter 20

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After Mal and Uma tied the man up they went back to free Amanda, about two hours later they where home again

Five months later
Mal was now 9 months pregnant and tomorrow she would go to the hospital to have a c-section (it's an operation where the doctor gets the baby out through the mothers belly) Mal and Ben decided to have a c-section because with twins natural birth can be risky
"Excited" "mostly nervous, I mean I can't wait to meet them but I'm not that excited about the fact that someone is gonna be cutting my belly open" Ben laughed "I know, it'll be over before you know it and I'll be there with you the entire time, and also you're not gonna be feeling anything of it" Ben kissed Mal and then started talking to her belly "hi there guys, can't wait to meet you two tomorrow" Mal smiled
The next day Mal and Ben went to the hospital early (Rose was with Belle and Adam) as they got into their hospital room a nurse walked in and explained what they could expect during the c-section, an hour later the doctor walked in and they brought Mal to the operation room as Ben changed into the appropriate clothes, after Mal got an epidural (this is used so the mom doesn't feel anything from her chest  down, so from her belly till her feet) Ben was allowed to come in, Mal was laid down on the operation table and the doctor drew a curtain before Mal's belly so she wouldn't be able to see what they where doing, Ben sat down on a chair next to Mal and held her hand "okay Mal where gonna start" the doctor said, she squeezed Bens hand as he started to stroke her hair
15 minutes later they heard a baby cry "congratulations number one is a boy" the doctor said as the lil boy was cleaned up, wrapped in blankets and then given to Ben "hi there lil guy" he said, kissed Mal on her forehead and whispered "good job babe" Mal smiled and looked at her two boys, a few moments later another cry sounded "congratulations number two is a healthy baby girl" the doctor said as baby number two was born, the girl was cleaned up also wrapped in towels and given to Ben who was beaming with joy while holding his two lil babies.
Two hours later Mal was back in her hospital room holding the baby boy while Ben was holding the girl "so what are the names of the two" the nurse asked when she came to check on Mal and the twins "his name is Oliver Adam Kingsley" Mal said "and her name is Lena Belle Kingsley" Ben added, once the twins where laid down in their hospital cribs Belle Adam and Rose where allowed to come in "mommy" Rose said excitedly, ran to Mal and climbed on the bed to give Mal a hug "oh so daddy doesn't get a hug" Ben asked after Mal had already gotten three hugs "daddy get hug to" Rose said smiling and climbed of the bed to hug her dad, "and what are the names of these to cutes" Belle asked after having hugged both Ben and Mal (and having a very good look at the twins) "the girl is Lena Belle Kingsley" Mal said "ahh she got her second name from her grandma" Adam said "she sure did" Mal said "anyway the boy is Oliver Adam Kingsley" Ben said "ahh and he's got his second name from his grandpa" Belle said.
A week later Lena and Oliver where allowed to go home, Mal and Ben where standing on the balcony of their castle with Mal holding Lena and Ben holding Oliver with Rose standing in between them, life was beautiful for them, they have their three beautiful children, Evie and Doug where getting married next month and evil wasn't a problem anymore (for now)
As they looked over Auradon Mal smiled 'this is my world' she thought and looked at Lena 'our world' she thought again smiling

Hey guys so this is the end of the story, I hoped you enjoyed it.
I really loved writing it and I'm already busy with another Descendants fanfic so stay tuned for that one
Anyway thank you guys so much for all the reads this book has I literally can't really believe it so thank you guys very much and I'll see you in the next fanfic

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