Chapter 5

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Four week later the wedding day
Ben was in his room getting ready alongside Doug (his best man) Carlos, Jay and Chad (his groomsmen) "guys I'm getting married" Ben said still in disbelief "that's the 10th time you've said that Ben" Jay said "don't care, I just still kinda can't believe it" Ben replied "it just means your excited about it" Carlos said "okay guys are we done with all this sappy stuff and get ready" Chad complained "yes Chad" Ben said as he got his suit and gives the other guys their suits as well.

Mal, Evie, Uma, Lonnie and Jane where getting ready in Mal and Evie's dorm "OMF Mal you're dress is beautiful" Jane squealed "yes Evie the dress is wonderful, you really outdone yourself with this one" Mal said "thanks girls, and Mal anything for you" Evie replied "now let's get ready we don't wanna be late" Evie finished after Evie helped Mal in her purple wedding dress, after everyone got in their dresses they waited until it was time to go to the church where Mal and Ben would get married. After a couple minutes Belle knocked on the door as Evie opened the door, as Belle walked in and saw Mal she became emotional "Mal, you look beautiful" Belle said while hugging Mal "thanks mom" Mal said also crying a little. After a while Adam came in "it's time to go girls, and you all look beautiful" he said.

When all of them where in the limo it started driving "nervous Mal" Adam said smiling seeing that she was very nervous "yes, but in a good way" Mal answered "don't worry" Belle said "everything is gonna be perfect" "I know" Mal said and took a deep breath hoping to calm down her nerves.
When they arrived at the church Mal saw her dad Hades waiting for them, when she got out she ran up to her dad and hugged him "your here" she exclaimed "I'm always here for my little princess" he said "now let's go shall we" and he offered Mal his arm "we shall" Mal said as she hooked her arm in her dads arm.
As the music started and the church doors opened Mal somehow managed to relax as she and her dad walked down the aisle she saw Bens amazed look and blushed. As Ben saw Mal walking towards him he couldn't help but to look amazed she looked beautiful he thought.
When Mal reached him Ben took her hand and Mal let go of her dad smiling. "We are here today" Ben heard fairy godmother say but he wasn't listening he could only pay attention to Mal who was at this point practically a strawberry because of how much she was blushing then it was time for the vows luckily for Ben but sadly for Mal she had to go first, she took a deep breath and started "Ben, everyday I wonder how I got so lucky I had nothing was an evil brad and was mean to everyone around me, you gave me everything and you made me realize that I'm my own person, everyday you make me happy you made me into the person that I am today, you saw the real me when even I couldn't see that, Ben you make me me you're my everything and I love you with all that I am and I always will" Both Mal and Ben has to try real hard not to cry luckily they both managed to do that at-least for now, now it was Bens turn so he took a deep breath and started more nervous then ever "Mal 5 years ago I met you for the first time, and in those 5 years you have made me the happiest person alive, I've been dreaming of this day since you came in my life and now it's here after today I finally can call you my wife and queen and I can't wait to spent the rest of my life with you, Mal I love you and no spell or curse can change that"  as everyone let out the usual ahh Fairy godmother continued "if anyone objects let them speak now or stay forever silent" she said, when everyone stayed quiet Fairy godmother continued (again) "Benjamin Florian Kingsley do you take Mal Bertha Dragonia to be you're wife" "I do" Ben said smiling at Mal "Mal Bertha Dragonia do you take Benjamin Florian Kingsley to be you're husband" "I do" Mal said while smiling back at Ben "then I proudly pronounce this couple husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" Fairy godmother said as Mal and Ben started kissing and everyone was cheering.

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed the royal wedding and yes I'm aware that Mal's surname sucks but deal with it.

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