Chapter 15

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Time skip two months later
Little Rose (two months old) ⤵️

Mal, Evie and Ume where having lunch together "so Mal how's Rose doing" Uma asked "she's good, she absolutely loves the outfits Evie made, well she loves to get them dirty" Mal replied laughing a bit "don't worry, I'm going to make her some more o...

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Mal, Evie and Ume where having lunch together "so Mal how's Rose doing" Uma asked "she's good, she absolutely loves the outfits Evie made, well she loves to get them dirty" Mal replied laughing a bit "don't worry, I'm going to make her some more outfits" "thanks E" then the food was served Mal had strawberry cheesecake Evie had blueberry cheesecake and Uma had apple pie "alright girls I have some news" Evie said "spill the tea sis" "bring it on" "well Doug proposed" Evie squealed and showed of a beautiful blue engagement ring "OMF E that's amazing when did he do it how did it go" Mal said "we want all the details" Uma added "I thought you guys never asked, okay well he asked me last night he blindfolded me and brought me to our spot where there was a beautiful candlelit diner after we where done he got down on one knee and asked and I obliviously said yes" Evie said "so cute, congrats sis" Mal said and hugged Evie "so Uma how are you and Harry doing" Mal added while turning to Uma "were good, we might have been on a date or two but nothing serious so we'll see how it goes" Uma said smiling a little bit, once they where done eating Mal's phone started buzzing she got her phone out of her picked and picked up (Ben was calling her) "hi babe" "hi hon, hows lunch with the girls?" "It's nice where just chatting how's Rose?" "She's having a mommy day so you might wanna come back" "on my way" and Mal hung up "sorry girls mom duty calls I'll see you later, have fun" she said and left (she did leave some cash behind so Evie and Uma didn't have to pay everything) "alright where's the mommy girl" she said as she walked into her and Bens room "she's right here" Ben said while handing Mal a crying Rose "hi baby, had fun with dad" she said while holding her little girl who stoped crying and started to smile "told you she had a mommy day today" Ben said laughing a little "she sure has,  you go have some fun now I'll take care of her" "you sure" "yes Ben me and Rose are gonna have a little mother-daughter day" "alright if you say so, bye hon bye little princess" Ben said and gave both Mal and Rose a kiss on their cheek then left to probably do some kingly work as Rose yawed and started crying because she was very tired Mal sat down in a chair and started rocking her "lavenders green dilly dilly lavenders blue when I am king dilly dilly you shall be queen" Mal started singing but before she could finish Rosa had already fallen asleep and Mal put her in her crib "good night little princess" Mal said and gave Rose a kiss on her forehead and left the nursery she was reading a book when she heard Rose cry "guess she was tired and hungry" Mal said to herself while putting the book away and walked to the nursery "hey baby" she said while picking up her crying daughter, Mal was breastfeeding Rose and humming dilly dilly (the nursery song) when someone knocked on the door "sorry I'm on mom duty can you come back later" Mal said "okay, but there's something you might wanna know" Hades's voice said "doors open come in dad" "you sure" "yes it's you so come on in the doors open" Hades came in and Rose was done drinking and fell asleep again once Mal had put Rose in her crib she turned to her dad "so what's up dad what do I need to know" she asked
In the meantime Uma came back in her house that she shared with Harry (not Harry Potter guys it's Harry hook) "yo Harry I'm back" she said "hey there's my captain how was lunch" "it was fun Mal had to leave early 'mom duty' but besides that we had a fun time, what are you watching" Uma asked looking at the tv "pirates of the Caribbean" Harry replied laughing as captain jack sparrow said "why is the rum gone" (in the film) they both laughed and Uma joined Harry on the couch "Uma" "yes Harry what's up" "there's something I wanna ask you" "ask away" Harry took a beep breath and then asked "do you wanna be my girlfriend" Uma was blushing like crazy and smiled "yes I'd love to" then they kissed for the first time, after that they cuddled up on the couch and watched some more movies "I love you Uma" "I love you to Harry"

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