Chapter 2

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It was the next day and the girls had a fun sleepover
Ben was walking in circles in his room, he was super nervous not about his graduation he knew he'd be fine, but he was nervous for something that was gonna happen one month later he's wedding day, he couldn't believe in only one month he'd be marrying the love of his life Mal.

He startled as he felt hands on his back "don't worry sweetie it's me" he heard a familiar voice say he smiled as he turned around to see his favorite purple haired girl standing behind him "hey babe" "so what's going on in that pretty kingly head of yours" Mal asked him, he could see concern in her eyes, her mom might be the mistress of all evil but she was nothing like her Ben thought
"nothing to worry about sweetie, I'm just nervous about our wedding day next month" he said as he saw her smile "I know Ben, believe me I'm nervous too but it's gonna be the greatest day of our life" she said while hugging Ben "I know, it's going to be an amazing day, and the honeymoon is gonna be an awesome 2 weeks" Ben said while still hugging Mal "I'm not even gonna doubt that" she said laughing a little "but where are we going" she asked curiously "you'll see when we get their after our wedding" Ben said smilingly "alright fine, but why won't you just tell me" she said almost begging "because it's a surprise so you'll see it when we get there" Ben said smiling, not wanting to upset Mal even more then she already was (she does love surprises but she's very impatient) he decided to change the subject "how was the sleepover with the girls" he asked "it was fun" she said a little annoyed, she knew what he was trying to do but also wasn't fighting it. He remembered the request the council had given him yesterday "Mal, tomorrow I would like you to come with me to the council meeting so all of them can meet you" he said "sound good, since I'll probably be there more often it's indeed a good idea for me to meet them" she replied "wait Aurora and Philip are in the council as well right ?" She asked a little unsure "yes indeed, but don't worry they don't blame you for what has happened in the past" "okay then I'll be there tomorrow" she answered still a little uncomfortable but with more confidence, Ben understood that Mal was nervous about meeting her mothers greatest enemies but he knew she'd be able to handle it "hey, I'm gonna go paint okay" she said "oh yeah sure, something wrong ?" "Nothing wrong sweetie, I just feel like painting" she said while kissing Ben's cheek and then left to her art studio, Ben decided to do some work so he'd have to do less the next day.

Once Mal was changed in her painting clothes and had all of her stuff ready she started painting, not with her mind as she does in art class, but with her heart she just let the brush decide what it wanted to do, after about one and a half hour she was done, as she looked at the painting smiling it was a painting of her and Ben at the enchanted lake stargazing into the night sky, her moment was interrupted by Evie who stormed in "there you are I've been looking everywhere for you" she said "jeez E calm down" Mal said laughing at the rage of her best friend "what's going on that you need me for ?" She said a little scared seeing how mad Evie was "I need you to come with me to fit you're wedding dress you dummy" Evie said "you're wedding is in one month for goodness sake, so you're coming with me whether you like it or not, cute painting btw" Evie said after she noticed the painting "thanks E, and fine I'll come with you since I don't have a chose" "indeed now you're coming with me" Evie said while grabbing Mal's wrist and bringing her to her fashion studio to fit the dress she made for her. After Evie was pleased with the design and Mal was able to breath while wearing the dress they were done. 

Hi guys, I hope you're enjoying the story so far I know it's kinda boring but don't worry things are going to happen, and if you have any suggestions don't shy away from letting me know in the comments

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