Chapter 10

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It's five weeks later, Maleficent hasn't been seen after her attack on Mal and everything was mostly going great, today Mal had her first ultrasound (Ben obviously was coming with her) Mal changed into some comfy,easy but stylish clothes.
Mal and Ben arrived at the hospital when to the waiting room and five minutes later "Mal and Ben" the doctor said and they walked in the room and shook the doctors hand "I'm Amanda" the doctor said "Mal if you could lay down on this table" Amanda added while pointing at a doctors table (the doctor was asked to treat Mal and Ben normal not as royalty) Mal lays down on the doctors table and pulled up her shirt "this might be a bit cold" Amanda said while putting some gel on Mal's belly "you're about 7 weeks along, which means we should be able to hear a heartbeat" Amanda said and pushed a button and then they heard the heartbeat of the baby Mal and Ben looked at each other smiling.
Mal and Ben came home with some ultrasound pics "hey kids, how did the ultrasound go" Adam asked "good Baby's al healthy and we heard the heartbeat" Mal said and handed Adam one of the ultrasound pictures "ahh cute" Adam said while looking at the picture, Mal and Ben hung one of the ultrasound pictures up in their room.
One month later it was time to tell the kingdom about Mal's pregnancy (her pregnancy bump started to become very noticeable) so today Mal and Ben had a press conference and after all the questions where asked they would tell it "ready" "I'm not sure Ben, but I don't think we really have a choice" Mal answered while putting her hand on her little bump, Ben took her hand and they walked outside where the press was waiting for them and the question started "Mal have you seen you're mother since her attack" "no I haven't" Mal replied a little coldly "what will you do if Maleficent attack's again" "we'll see about that when it happens, of course we hope that it doesn't happen" Ben answered, after a lot more of (according to Mal stupid and boring) questions the last question came "are you thinking of having a heir" "well, we are very happy to announce that Queen Mal is about three months pregnant" Ben said while looking at Mal and smiling everyone congratulated them and then the conference (finally) was over "is it true?! Please tell me it's true" Jane squealed while running towards Mal who was terrible at hiding her laugh "if you're talking about what I think you're talking about then yes I'm pregnant" she said laughing "OMF, congrats" Jane said while hugging Mal.

Mal was in the forest then she heard her mom say "time to put and end to this ridiculous nonsense" and she felt a burning pain in her belly as her mom stabbed her in her gut "Mal, Mal" she heard Ben scream "wake up" Mal woke up sweating Ben scooped her in his arms "it's okay Mal, it's over now she's not here you're safe" he whispered in her ear apparently Mal screamed "don't do it mom don't hurt me" while dreaming, as Mal calmed down she tried to sleep again and she heard Ben making small talk with her belly "hey Baby, dad here just seven more month and I can meet you for now you let mommy sleep okay she deserves it" he said gave Mal's belly a kiss and put his hand on it and they fall asleep.

Two months later Mal and Ben where at the doctors office again "do you wanna know the gender of the baby" Amanda asked them "could you write it down and put that in a envelope?" Mal asked, she promised Evie that she could throw a gender reveal party, Amanda wrote down the gender down and gave the envelope to Ben. Once they where back Ben have it to Evie and she started planing the gender reveal party

The next Sunday
"Ready to find out the gender" Ben asked "I'm absolutely dying to know" Mal replied they got ready and walked to the enchanted lake where the reveal party was.

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