Chapter 19

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It's one month later and Ben still hasn't been able to find Mal ( Mal is 4 months pregnant now and she and the twins are still doing fine)

"Daddy up" Rose had climbed on Ben's bed "yes princess I'm up" Ben yawned "were momma?" "Don't know baby" "you find mommy" "yes sweetie, I'm gonna find mommy", Ben got out of bed and got dressed "Hey Evie, could you watch Rose for today, I really have to focus on finding Mal" (he had called Evie) "yeah I'll be right there" "thanks Evie" he hung up and started to join Rose who was playing, about ten minutes later Evie knocked on the door "the door is open come in" he said "hi Ben, here this was taped unto the door" Evie said as she gave Ben a note "huh" he mumbled as he was reading the note "I have to go I'll see you later Evie, if you need help with Rose just ask my parents" he said after finishing reading the note "wait Ben -" Evie started but he already left, she picked up the note (ben had dropped it on his way out) and started to read it "shit, Ben...BEN" she called out as she ran after him "evie I have to go, he's got Mal" he said as Evie grabbed his arm "look I know youre worried about her and so am I but lets think this through" "Evie theres no time for that I have to go and safe her" "not without me" Jay said, he saw Evie and Ben arguing and came running towards them to figure out what was wrong, "okay you boys go safe our girl, I have a prinses to look after" Evie said and left, "where" Jay asked "the forest" "kay lets go" and they ran of to get a limo.

"maybe if we -" Mal and Amanda where thinking of a plan to get out when they where cut off by the man comming in "hey queen, you're coming with me" he called out "uh no I'm not going anywhere" "oh really, well maybe you want to come with me now" he grabbed a struggling Rose from behind him "mommy" she called out as she saw Mal "Rose! don't worry sweetie its gonna be okay" Mal said and walked to the man "good choice" he pushed Mal out of the room and closed the door "now you work with me or this little one is dead do you understand" Mal just nodded and followed the man as he started walking .

after a good thirty minutes of walking they stopped in a forest, the man tied Mal up against a tree Mal didn't do anything fearing he might hurt Rose if she did so, then she heard voices calling out for her "Ben" she yelled "Mal, Mal I'm comming" Ben said and not long after he got to Mal "thank god I thought-" "how romantic the reunion of the king and his beloved queen, I bet you guys want her back as well" the man said as he pushed Rose foreward but still holding unto her "Rose, you let her go right now" Ben said filled with rage, the man laughed "meh I don't think so" "ohhhh yes you will" the man tured around and got smacked in the face by a very mad Hades "dad" "hi mally" Hades freed Mal from the tree while Ben whent to calm Rose down "you guys okay" Hades asked once all of them where callmed down "yeah I,m fine" "better now I'm not tied up to a tree" "mommy" Rose said now she was callmed down as well "yes sweetie" "hug" Rose said and ran to Mal who hugged her tight "now let's go home"
"I don't think you're going anywhere" the man had gotten up, grabbed Mal and belt a gun up to her head

"Mal !" Ben quickly put Rose behind a tree (Rose has ran to Ben when the man had grabbed Mal) "You let her go right now" Hades yelled "QUIET" the man yelled and was about to pull the trigger, but before he could a tentacle came from the lake behind them grabbed the gun and threw it away "Uma" "that's my name" Uma said (she was on land again) Mal laughed and hugged her

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