Chapter 6

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After the ceremony, it was time for the party, while mostly everyone was drinking (yes alcohol) Mal and Ben decided to not get drunk they wanted to be able to remember their wedding night so they just drank some cola and water, "it's with great pleasure that I invite the king and his future queen unto the dance floor for the first dance" FG (fairy godmother) said, Ben takes Mal's hand and leads her to the dance floor for their first dance as the song starts playing Ben puts his hand around her waist and they start dancing, while they're dancing Ben whispers in Mal's ear "you think we're ready" "not sure but I actually do think so" Mal said back knowing precisely what he was talking about when the song was over everyone got on the dance floor and started dancing when the music stoped it was time to cut the cake, "Mal and Ben Kingsley would you get over here and cut the cake please" Fg said "we're on our way" they both said as they walked to the cake Ben picked up the knife "ready" he asked Mal nodded and put her hand on Ben's hand holding the knife with him as they started to cut the first piece of cake once they were done they put the piece of cake on a plate "open up hon" Ben said while smiling, getting a fork and feeding Mal a bite of the cake Mal smiled as she took the fork "now it's you're turn sweetie" she said while feeding Ben his bite of cake once they eat their piece of cake they started cutting pieces for everyone else when everyone eat their piece of cake (it was a red velvet cake very tasty if I do say so myself) the dancing started again and everyone just had a fun time "so guys when is the kingdom getting an heir to the throne" Evie said a little laughingly "we don't know yet, but we have some ideas so just wait and see" Ben said smiling at Mal knowing what their idea was "now guys let's get this party started" Jay said and they all started dancing again.

As the party was ending and everyone was going home Ben took Mal apart and covered her eyes with his hands "Ben wow wow wow what's going on, where are we going" Mal said "you'll see hon trust me" he replied as he took Mal's hand and brought her somewhere "Ben I mean it where are we going" Mal said "you're lucky we're here" he said laughing a little as he pulled his hands away from Mal's eyes so she could look again "Ben Kingsley don't you ever dare to do this again" Mal said while looking around she was in a beautiful sorta apartment "Ben where are we" she asked "Mal Kingsley I welcome you in our home" Ben said "wait we're in the castle" "yep, I hope you like it here" he said "yes I love it" she exclaimed the room was a mix of both gold and purple and there was an office for the both of them Mal's office was purple with some green accents and Ben's office was blue and gold.
"Now follow me" Ben said "Ben I'm serious no more surprises" "just one more" he said smiling and took Mal to a room with a lot of beautiful baby stuff "for our future heir" he said "Ben it's wonderful, but maybe we should go back now before they start to miss us" "alright" he said and started to carry Mal bridal style he smiled as Mal squealed and started laughing when they got back Ben finally put Mal down while she was laughing "and did she like it" Mal heard Belle say "yes she loved it" Ben said "it's amazing" Mal said "I hoped you'd like it" Belle said "I absolutely loved it" Mal said "ohh I finally have a daughter" Belle said while hugging Mal "and I finally have a mother" Mal said also hugging Belle tightly and the both of them nearly broke down in tears and Ben and Adam joined the hug. They talked for a while after that and when to bed an hour later.

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