Chapter 18

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During the next couple of days Mal and Ben received lots of congratulations and questions, and Evie was literally    following Mal because she wanted to know the gender so she could make clothes for the twins.
Mal was walking around in the forest to relax a little "good night you're majesty" someone said and Mal felt a sorta towel wrap around her mouth and then everything went dark
When she woke up she had the worst headache ever she looked around but her eyes couldn't focus "finally I thought you'd never wake up" "what huh where am I and who are you" "hold the questions Queeny one at the time, first you're here second I'm me a human being" "very funny, well let me ask another question why am I here" "because I brought you here" "and why did you do that" "because I wanted to" Mal gave up trying to figure the situation out the man was being impossible so she just laid back down and went back to sleep hoping that she would be kinda taken care of or at least that she would get food, the next day (or at least Mal thought it was the next day) she saw a bunch of sandwiches on a table and they looked good she smelled them (to make sure they were good to eat and not poisoned or something) "don't worry there not poisoned I need you alive" Mal didn't really trust it but decided she didn't have much choice so she took a bite and it's tasted okay she ate the sandwiches, sat down on her bed and started to look around the room where she was it was kinda small there was a bed something that looked like a kitchen, a living room with tv and there was a door which she hoped would lead to a bathroom luckily as she walked through it it indeed was a bathroom, she washed her face and put on some clean clothes (apparently the man was preparing for this because there were some clothes for her to wear and also a place we're she could wash them) she watched some tv and saw that on the news they weren't shutting up about her and Ben having twins then a door opened and Amanda got thrown in "OMF are you okay" Mal said and ran towards her "yes I'm okay, but what are you doing her you're majesty" "call me Mal, and I wish I knew what I knew what I was doing here" Mal and Amanda day down on the bed (it was a bed for two people but Amanda offered to sleep in the couch) "how long have you been here" Amanda asked "about two days I think I wonder when they'll notice that we're gone" "well I don't think it will take long before they miss you, you're the queen" "I hope they do, I mean it's not that bad here but I'd rather be home" "well I do to, oh and Mal don't worry about the twins I have all the necessary stuff here so we can make sure that the twins and you are okay" Amanda said trying to comfort Mal "that's one good thing, but let's hope we can get out here before anything goes wrong with the twins" "indeed, well let's check on them it is about time for a new ultrasound" "yes sure I've got nothing else to do" Mal laid down and Amanda did an ultrasound "everything seems okay, and there are the heartbeats" two heartbeats sound and Mal can't help but smile, once the ultrasound was done they watched tv again "and lastly we report that the queen hasn't been seen for the last two days we don't if she is staying inside for the safety of her and her twins or if there is something else going on" the newsreader said "well it's a start" "yes, it won't be long before they start searching for you Mal" "I really do hope so" Some hours later it started to get late so they put on their pjs and went to bed, Mal was trying to get comfortable and to get some sleep but in vain, three hour later she still couldn't sleep so she got a book and started reading "Mal is something wrong" "oh no Amanda I'm okay, just can't sleep" "me neither, it's a strange situation we're in but we have to make the best out of it" "yes you're right we should make the best out of it"

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