Chapter 7

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The next day Mal was walking around in the forest near the enchanted lake when she heard something behind her she turned around when someone grabbed her waist from behind "got ya" Ben said Mal started laughing as Ben was tickling her "Ben stop it you're killing me" she tried to say in between her laughs "alright alright" Ben said smiling and stoped tickling Mal "ready to go" he asked her "yep, I still don't know where we're going but I guess I'm ready" she said "believe me you're gonna love it" Ben said and gave Mal a kiss, once they were back at the castle they got their bags checking if they had everything with them "you're still now gonna tell me where we are going" Mal asked while closing her suitcase "nope" Ben said while picking up his suitcase "now let's go shall we" "yes I'm honestly dying to know where we're going" Mal said while picking up her suitcase as well "are you ready it's time you go now" Belle said "yep I think we are" Mal said "yep" Ben said "let's go then" Belle said Mal and Ben nodded and they all went outside, once their suitcases were loaded in the limo Mal and Ben hugged Bens parents said goodbye to Evie, Jay and Carlos and then went into the limo and they drove away.

Around three hours later they arrived Ben got out of the car and walked to Mal's side of the car and opened the door "my lady" he said smiling Mal smiled as she got out of the car "it's beautiful here" she said "I know, I'm assuming that now you'd like to know where we are" he said smiling "yes" Mal nearly screamed "We are in the little snow whit cottage, they said we could stay here for two weeks" Ben said   as he and Mal walked inside the little wooden cottage  (the driver brought their stuff inside) the car was parked in front of.
Once their stuff was inside and the driver left Mal made hot chocolate milk while Ben was putting on the fireplace an hour later they were cuddling on the couch in their pjs with a nice warm cup of chocolate milk and the fireplace on "Mal" Ben said while stroking his hand trough her hair "yes" she replied smiling and closing her eyes a little "at our wedding you said that you thought we where ready" he started but he couldn't finish his sentence as Mal interrupted him "I know what I said, and I meant it and I still do think so the question is do you think so" she said opening her eyes again and smiling "yes, I've been for some time now I just didn't talk about it yet because I knew we'd wait till we're married" he said "then this is gonna be a fun two weeks" Mal said while smiling and kissing Ben
Ben picked Mal up and she wrapped her legs aground him as he walked to their bedroom still kissing her, once they were done with their business (aka making love) they started watching a movie.
Two weeks later
Now that Mal and Ben where back from their honeymoon it was time for Mal to officially be crowned Queen, "now M what do you think of the dress" Evie asked "E it's wonderful" "of course it is M it's for you're coronation for goodness sake" Evie said "I know E, I seriously can't believe I'm gonna be queen tomorrow, I'm very nervous I must admit" Mal replied "yeah okay enough of this" Uma said while storming in the room "you're coming with me" Uma said and grabs Mal's wrist "Uma where are we going" Mal asked "you'll see" Uma said and started walking faster once Uma finally stoped walking Mal saw that they where at the enchanted lake more importantly she saw strawberries "and why couldn't you ask me to come here" Mal asked "because I know you, you wouldn't have come here if I asked so I had to, but for now take a seat you're majesty and enjoy the strawberries" Uma said but Mal was already eating the strawberries and Uma sat down next to her laughing they talked for a while "I'm going to the toilet be right back" Mal said with her hand covering her mouth as she ran to the toilet and started throwing up "you okay there Mallie" Uma asked "my name is not Mallie and yes I'm fine I just ate something bad" Mal said "okay if you say so" Uma said as Mal came out of the toilet and drank some water they walked back to the lake and ate some more strawberries.

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