Chapter 13

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About two months later Maleficent has moved in with Hades, they talked about what happened and got back together, and she got possessed less often and life was going great. Mal was walking around in her room trying to breath through the pain she now was seven month pregnant and since that morning her stomach was killing her, "Mal are you okay" Ben asked while starting to rub Mal's back "yes I'm fi-" Mal got cut of as a wave of pain washed over her "okay no I'm not" she finished as the pain faded a little "okay I'm taking you to the doctor" Ben said "for once I agree" Mal said with her hand holding her belly she and Ben got in a limo, once they arrived at the hospital and the doctor came to check on Mal in her room "alright Mal, I know it's early but get ready to meet you're daughter cause the little princess is on her way" Amanda (the doctor) said Mal just nodded and squeezed Ben's hand
Three hours of contractions and hand squeezing later (luckily for Ben Mal can handle pain pretty well so his hands where fine) Ben has texted the other about what was going on and they where waiting in the waiting room "okay Mal it's time to start pushing, so once you have a contraction give it all you got alright" Amanda said and Mal nodded, as Mal got another contraction she squeezed Ben's hand and started pushing about 45 minutes later the room was filled with little baby cries, after she was cleaned up she the doctors took her with them because she was born prematurely she needed some extra care "you did great hon" Ben said "I just hope she'll be okay" Mal said worried about her little girl "I'm sure she's okay, she's a fighter just like her mother" Ben replied then Evie came in "OMF Mal how are you doing" "I'm fine E I jut got run over by a thousand trucks" Mal answered and hugged Evie which was a little hard seeing as Mal had to stay in bed, an hour later Amanda came in with the little baby "congratulations you're majesties it's a healthy small baby girl" she said and gave the baby to Mal "she beautiful" Ben said as he said down on the bed next to Mal (Evie has left the room to tell the other and to let Mal and Ben have a moment anole with their daughter) "she's so tiny" Mal said smiling "and what will be the name of the little princess" Amanda asked "her name is: Rosalie (rose) Ella Kingsley" Mal said and then little Rose opened her eyes which turned out to be bright green just like her mothers "she has you're eyes, and beautiful purple hair" Ben said smiling and looking at his little purple haired, green eyed baby girl Mal smiled "I guess she does" she said and gave Rose a kiss on her forehead
Mal and Rosalie ⤵️

 Mal was walking around in her room trying to breath through the pain she now was seven month pregnant and since that morning her stomach was killing her, "Mal are you okay" Ben asked while starting to rub Mal's back "yes I'm fi-" Mal got cut of a...

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Just Rosalie ⤵️

Once Mal and Ben has about an hour alone with their little princess the rest couldn't take it anymore and walked in (they took turns and since Belle,Adam, Hades and Maleficent where family they could go in first) "how ya feeling Mallie" Hades aske...

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Once Mal and Ben has about an hour alone with their little princess the rest couldn't take it anymore and walked in (they took turns and since Belle,Adam, Hades and Maleficent where family they could go in first) "how ya feeling Mallie" Hades asked "like I got run over by a thousand trucks" "she's adorable, god Mal she looks like you but with a bit Ben in there as well" Belle said while taking Rose over from Ben "and what's this little cuties name" Adam asked "meet Rosalie (rose) Ella Kingsley" Ben proudly announced his daughters name to his parents and in-laws (Hades and Maleficent) "so Mal how did it go" Maleficent asked while sitting down on Mal's bed "well contractions started this morning, then around 3 PM I got in the hospital and three hours and 45 minutes later Rose was there" Mal answered "alright guys our turn I'm done waiting" Evie said while storming in the room "OMF Mal she's you just in baby style" she squealed "well I can see some of Ben in her as well" Jay added while also coming in, while everyone took turns holding little Rose she stared crying "looks like someone is hungry" Ben said while looking at his daughter and giving her to Mal who started breastfeeding her "looks like she was" Mal said, once everyone was back home again (except for of course Mal Ben and Rose) the doctor came on their room "well seeing as Rosalie is doing well you guys can go home in a week or so, depends on how Rosalie is doing" Amanda said, that night little Rose started crying and Mal got out of bed to get to her little daughter "hi baby, let's get you some food pretty princess" she said while picking up Rose and started to feed her.

Hi guys, so little Rose has entered the world. The pics aren't mine I got them from here ⤵️

So be sure to check out that story ————————————————————

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So be sure to check out that story

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