Chapter 14

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Maleficent couldn't wait to spent time with her daughter and granddaughter, since she hadn't treated Mal good in her life she decided to try and make up for that and just spent time with Mal and now her granddaughter Rosalie, Maleficent even has paparazzi following her sometimes but as soon as she got annoyed they left her alone in a heartbeat which she found rather amusing "Maleficent do you have any news about the condition of the queen ?" "As much as I'd like to I can't say anything until you're king does" she replied as calmly as she could and walked into her (and Hades) house "sub dragon" he said rather loudly since he was in the kitchen "just some reporter asking bout Mal, told em that I wasn't gonna say anything until Ben did" she replied  "now that's my dragon" Hades said while coming out of the kitchen and kissed Maleficent
Four days later Maleficent was going for a walk around the woods "well well well look who we got here" someone said behind here "Leah" Maleficent said while she turned around to see Queen Leah standing behind her "so how's you're day going" Maleficent asked "it's quite fine" Leah replied a little shocked at Maleficent's politeness "so you're daughter is the queen now" she added "yeah, quite impressive, well I just wasn't expecting Mal to become Queen" Maleficent replied "do you even know how that slut of a purple haired daughter of yours became queen" Leah said Maleficent had to do her absolute best to not go full dragon "Ben was in love with her I'm guessing" she answered "ohh yeah you'd think so, no that stupid witch stole him from my Audrey" Leah said "firstly it would be appropriate to talk about you're queen with respect, second if Ben really loved Audrey he would have gotten back together with her so I'm guessing he loves Mal" Maleficent said and walked away back home not wanting to deal with Leah any longer
A week later Mal and Ben could finally take Rose home "can you believe we're taking little Rose home with us" "nope Mal, but I think it's gonna be a great adventure" Ben said as Rose started laughing because Mal picked her up "ahh is my little baby princess happy" Mal said to her daughter in a baby voice "looks like one little princess is ready to go home" Ben said smiling and taking over Rose from Mal "yep she sure is" she said smiling "now let's go then shall we" "we shall" Mal said and her and Ben got their stuff and went to the limo, once they arrived Belle and Adam where waiting for them outside "hi guys welcome home" Adam said "and hi there little princess" he added looking at Rose they went inside and put Rose to bed in the nursery "Lavenders green Dilly dilly lavenders blue you must love me dilly dilly for I love you when I am king dilly dilly you shall be queen lavenders green dilly dilly lavenders blue if you love me dilly dilly I will love you" Mal sang her daughter to sleep "she's off to dreaming land" Mal said once she got out of the nursery "who wouldn't with that beautiful nursery song" Ben said smiling "I hope she'll be calm when we show her to the kingdom tomorrow" Mal said "I'm sure she will, don't worry about it" Ben said
The next day Mal got Rose ready to get shown to the public "now I have two beautiful girls in my life" Ben said while smiling and looking at Mal and Rose "she's done, and I'm done as well so let's introduce our daughter to her kingdom" Mal said "we shall" Ben said and Mal picked up Rose and they walked outside, once they got outside the paparazzi was already waiting for them "Mal and I are happy to announce that Saturday 3 September our daughter princess Rosalie Ella Kingsley was born at 7 PM" Ben said "how did it go you're majesty" "well it went good she was born prematurely so she had to stay in the hospital but she's doing great" Mal answered "are you planning on having another heir" "we have thought about it but we'll see" Ben answered, once all the questions where answered Rose started to cry so Mal went inside and started breastfeeding her "how are my favorite purple haired girls doing" someone said while coming in "hi dad, we're both doing great just one of us was a little hungry" Mal said while nodding at the drinking (babies food is their mothers milk so it's technically drinking) Rose once Rose was done Hades picked her up and started playing with her a little bit (for as good as a two week old can play)

The nursery song I used is from Cinderella I put in the video if you wanna see/hear the original

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