Chapter 16

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"He did what" Mal nearly screamed after Hades told her what he came for "calm down Mallie as I said some guy I don't know came up to me saying that he needed you to come to the forest tonight at 1 AM and if you don't he'll make you regret it and he stabbed you're mom as a first warning, don't worry she's fine" Hades said "why is it that when everything is going great something happened to screw it up" Mal said kinda stressed when she calmed down she said "okay I'll go to the forest to see what he wants, maybe it's not that bad" "be careful dragon I've lost you once I'm not gonna lose you again" "don't worry dad you wont, now I have a forest meeting to prepare for" Mal said and walked out of the room to Evie "E girl talk right now no objections" "okay M what's going on" "I'll tell you later you get Uma we need her as well" "okay boss" once Uma was there a well they all said down in Evie's room so no one would disturb them "okay Mal what's going on" Uma asked Mal explained everything "so let me get this straight, some dude wants you to come to the forest" Uma said after Mal was down explaining "yes, and I need you girls to come with me" "I'm in" "this is a job for pirates" "thanks girls now let's try and make something like a plan" once the plan was made (well it kinda was like they all would go to talk to that guy) they spent the rest off the day chilling and cuddling with Rose
That night they all went to the forest "well well well if it isn't the one and only queen of Auradon, I'm surprised you actually came" the man said (he was unidentifiable) "well you asked me to come here so why wouldn't I" she replied "what do you want" she added "what I want is you gone" the man replied and nearly hit Mal with a sword but she managed to duck before it hit her "Uma sword" she screamed as Uma and Evie jumped out of the bushes and Uma threw a sword at Mal who was cached it and started fighting he with the man while Uma and Evie where buzzy fighting off things that apparently where created by the man, the man managed to cut Mal in her shoulder "Mal" Evie screamed as she saw her bestie fall to the ground bleeding but still fighting "you go get help I got this" Uma said to Evie who nodded and ran off to get help, with Mal not being able to fight anymore the man turned to Uma (the things that Uma was fighting stopped attacking so she could fight the man now) "you hurt my friend" she yelled and charged at the man giving it her all, once he realized that he wasn't gonna win he pulled out a gun, shot Mal and disappeared "Mal" Uma screamed while running over to her "no no no this isn't happening" she looked at Mal but she didn't see blood or anything like that "Mal stay with me now everything is going to be fine I'm right here with you" Uma said while holding Mal and she started to try and feel for a heartbeat "alright Mal you're still here just hold on Evie is getting help don't leave now" Uma said as she luckily could feel a heartbeat it was weak but Evie should be on her way back by now she thought "hey OMF what happened" Evie said as she came running towards Uma who still was holding a passed out Mal "he shot her, I'm guessing not with a bullet because I can't see any blood but her heartbeat is fading and I'm afraid we're gonna lose her if we don't do something now, and do you have help" Uma said on the edge of crying "no I couldn't find anyone and don't worry Uma everything is going to be alright" Evie said while sitting down next to Uma "alright now let's go back home" Uma said "yes, here I'll take Mal" Evie said and started to carry Mal bridal style, while they where walking Evie checked Mal's heartbeat but couldn't feel anything "Uma, I I I think we're to late" she said "what" "she's gone Uma, there's no heartbeat and she isn't breathing" "no no no" Uma took over Mal from Evie and also couldn't find a heartbeat and started crying, a few of her tears landing on Mal's forehead, "goodbye Mallie, I'm gonna miss you, I never said it but I love you Mal sorry for never saying that" "love you to shrimpy" (they mean it as friends, don't worry I'm not gonna break up Huma or Bal) Mal's voice said and Uma felt Mal's arms wrapping around her neck hugging her (Uma was carrying Mal bridal style) "Mal" Uma said while putting Mal down and hugging her "M you're back" Evie squealed and joined Mal and Uma's hug "augh girls my shoulder" Mal said "oh let me help with that" Uma replied and healed Mal's shoulder with her seashell "that's better isn't it" "yep thank Uma, now let's go home before they get the royal guards to search for us" "good one M"
As soon as they walked out of the forest Ben ran to hug Mal "Mal" he screamed as he hugged her "Uma thank goodness" Harry said and gave her a kiss on her forehead and hugged her, Evie was hugging Doug and it looked like she wasn't gonna let him go soon "let's go home" Ben said while putting his arm around Mal's neck and started walking to the limo that was waiting for them

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