Chapter One

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"How am I supposed to do this?"

"Laney, you know him as well as I do, he'll come around to you."

"I have not seen him in a very long time. Years... since we were children," she replied. Laney sighed as she fretted with her dress, trying to tie the strings together behind her back on her own. Just as she was about to groan out in frustration she felt two gentle hands begin to take over.

"That's why I think he would benefit from seeing you. He's all alone down there and I have done everything that I can to make him comfortable. But books can only do so much for him."

"I'm still not sure. I really don't think it's going to go very well," she turned to face the woman she had grown up to think of as a second mother with a soft smile. "What is your motive for me to visit him?"

"I want to show his father that there's still good within him. We've scorned him just as much as he has us, and I know he's hurting. I want to believe that the boy I raised as my own is still there."

Laney furrowed her brow. "What do you mean when you say 'as your own' Frigga?"

Frigga took a couple of steps back from her and motioned for her to sit in the chair that sat beside the full sized mirror. When Laney did so she took a deep breath. "Loki is adopted."

"Adopted? Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want you to know sweet girl," Frigga replied, "But yes, Loki is adopted. Odin found him abandoned and alone during the last battle at Jotunheim. He was so tiny, the poor little thing was just a week old."

"So... Loki isn't Asgardian then," Layla stated.

Frigga shook her head. "Not genetically no, but I know in his heart that he is, whether he feels like he is now or not."

Laney looked to the wood floors as she gathered her thoughts, then looked back up at Frigga. "If Loki is Jotun, wouldn't he be blue like they are?" she asked curiously.

"When Odin found Loki on that planet, he was blue as the ocean that surrounds our home. But as soon as he brought him into his arms, Loki's inner magic turned him to look like you and me. I only know of this because Odin let me see it through his eyes in a memory. I have never personally seen Loki turn blue, all his life."

"That's... unheard of," Laney countered, "I've never heard of magic like that."

"Me either dear. But I believe that Loki knew he was safe as soon as Odin cradled him in his arms that day."

"So... I'm guessing that Loki never knew he was adopted?"

Frigga furrowed her brow in thought as she clasped her hands tightly. "I wanted to tell him when he was old enough to understand. Odin wanted to keep it from him, said that he wanted to protect him from knowing where he came from, so I was overruled. Loki found out about his heritage in such a wrongful manner and I wish that I could change it, I really do. When he found out, he was on Jotunheim with Thor, because Thor was angry about ice giants getting into the palace on the day of his coronation a few years back."

Laney nodded. "I think I remember hearing about the ice giants. I was at the coronation but I never got to speak with any of you due to the interruption towards the end."

"Long story short, Loki realized he was Jotun because he didn't burn at the hands of a frost giant or when he held the Casket of Winters that we keep in the vault. His anger and dejection was rightful but the stress put Odin into Odinsleep. A battle was fought on Midgard due to Loki's anger because Thor had been banished there for his behavior on Jotunheim. In the end, Loki proclaimed he did all he did for his father, but Odin saw it to be rash, which it was, but it put Loki into peril. So he fell into the void."

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now