Chapter Five

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Loki spent the next few days rejecting meals and any visitors, not that he had many. He was miserable and just wanted to be alone with his thoughts. When lunch finished on the fifth day, he slipped a letter to the one guard he knew would deliver it.

As agreed, after his shift, the guard made his way to Laney's chambers and knocked briskly on her door, causing Laney to look up from the book she had immersed herself in, then stand from her place on her couch and walked to the door. When she opened it, she blinked, not expecting to see a guard. "Is something wrong?"

The guard gave a polite bow. "No m'lady. I am just delivering this, as requested." He said simply and held out the letter for her. "It is from lord Loki."

She gently took the paper in her hand and nodded. "Thank you... and thank you for addressing him kindly." She watched as the guard bowed once more, then she closed her door and walked back to her place on the couch and opened the letter.

Written in Loki's typical, neat writing, the letter read:


I just want to tell you that I am sorry for how I reacted. Odin put all of his effort into ensuring I believed the Jotnar are the worst monsters in existence, so it has been impossible for me to accept that I am one. I never meant to hurt you, and I never wanted you to know what I am. I feel so ashamed, both of my actions and identity. If you ever choose to visit again, I will be on my best behavior.


P.S. while my apology is sincere, the truth is, I'm writing to you because I miss you...

Tears pricked at Laney's eyes and she couldn't stop herself from sniffling. I've been here almost a week and I feel like I'm back at the beginning, she thought. A sigh left her as she placed the letter neatly in her nightstand and began to pace the room, not knowing what to do next.


In his cell, Loki sat quietly on his bed. He couldn't focus on any of his books. Every time he heard even the slightest noise or movement that caught his attention, he eagerly looked up for Laney. He didn't have much hope he would see her, but the small shred of hope he did have kept him on the edge of his seat with anticipation.

It took until after the evening meal to decide that she would make the trip down to see Loki. She dressed in a dark green blouse and a golden shawl along with navy trousers, then began her walk through the halls that would lead her down into the dungeon. Once she made it, Laney felt queasy with unease as she took the final steps that landed her in front of his cell.

Loki sprang to his feet as a guard opened the cell for Laney. He stayed by the bed as instructed, but wore a big smile. He knew things between him and Laney were far from good, but the fact that she came filled him with hope. "I wasn't sure I would ever see you again." He admitted and looked her over, noticing how she chose his colors to dress in.

Laney stepped inside, but kept her distance. "It was a hard decision to make," she replied.

Loki gave a little nod. "I would like to explain, if you will hear me. I never intended to hurt you, and you deserve to at least know why." He said, feeling his smile fade. 

"I will listen," she answered honestly. Laney then moved and sat in a chair that sat by a table, a little ways away from Loki. If I get too close I won't be able to concentrate on still being upset with him, she thought.

"Thank you." He said softly, then sat on his bed and crossed his legs. "I don't know what I expected you to say, but I never in my life imagined you would say you know what I am." He paused to gather his thoughts while picking at a thread in the blanket. "I got so angry, but not with you. I was angry with myself. On top of that, I thought I was going to lose you." He said it all quickly, letting his words just spill out before he lost his nerve.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now