Chapter Twenty Five

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Loki, Laney, and Desi walked into the large barn and were instantly met with the sounds and smells of horses. The stablemaster looked up from pouring some oats into one of the horse's buckets and grinned. "Can I help... Desi! Good to see you!" he said with a smile as he put his bucket down, then walked up to them. "And you've brought friends. Are you going riding?"

"We would like to and my friends would like to pick the horses." Desi replied. 

The stablemaster nodded and stood aside for them. "Pick whomever you'd like!" 

"It's been quite a while since I've been here," Laney commented as she walked through the barn. "Do any of the horses catch your eye Loki?"

"I don't know yet." Loki said, as he followed behind her. He finally stopped in front of a black mare. "This one. We will ride her." He told Laney.

Laney walked over and stood beside Loki, then held her hand out towards the mare. When the mare sniffed her hand, then bumped her hand with her nose, it made her laugh. "She's sweet. Do you want to ride double again, love?"

"I assumed we would, unless you wanted us to have our own horses." He told her. "I like riding with you."

Laney couldn't help but grin, then leaned upwards to kiss his cheek. "And I, you."

The stablemaster grinned as he brought the halter to Loki that belonged to the mare. "This is Midnight. She'll be a great ride for you both. Lovely couple you two are by the way."

"Thank you very much. I will tend to her myself, if you don't mind. It is nothing personal, I have just always tended to the horses I ride." Loki said politely and took the halter. As he gripped it, he noticed his skin tone and froze.

Laney turned from scratching Midnight's neck to see Loki stricken with fear. She instantly moved into his line of sight. "Loki, hey. Love look at me, everything is okay. You're okay."

Loki shook his head, eyes still wide with fear and dread. "I... people have seen me like this... you didn't tell me." he stammered.

"No I didn't, because you have been comfortable this whole time," Laney replied softly, then glanced to Desi, not knowing if she was going to need her help. "Loki, I promise it's okay."

"But it's not okay! I can't be out like this terrifying people!" Loki countered angrily, starting to get worked up.

"Name one person who has been scared. Name one incident walking over here where anyone has acted differently." Desi challenged, earning a glare from Loki.

"Loki, Desi is right. You have frightened no one," Laney said, trying to console him. "The stablemaster, even just mentioned that we are a cute couple."

"Come on, deep breaths." Desi told Loki and he finally started to calm down somewhat.

"S-sorry darling. I-I think I'm alright now." Loki told Laney. He was still on edge but calming down.

Laney rubbed his arms and nodded at the stablemaster, letting him know everything was okay. "That's it love. Everything is fine, you're safe."

Loki wrapped his arms around Laney, clinging to her. "Can I shift back now?" He asked quietly.

"If you would feel better, you can shift back. I'm not forcing you, love," Laney consoles as she hugged him back in return.

Loki nodded and slowly shifted back to his Æsir form. He looked at his hand and calmed down fully once he saw no sign of blue tint to his skin. "I'm sorry for panicking."

Laney smiled up at him and reached up to caress his cheek. "It's okay," she whispered. "Let's enjoy ourselves on our ride okay?"

Loki nodded. "I will try, I promise."

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now