Chapter Sixteen

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The next few days passed in a blur. Desi gave Laney the elixir to soothe Loki after needing the time to make it, and she currently sat in Desi's sitting room while she watched her bottle it. "I've noticed you've been spending more time with Thor," she said playfully.

Desi blushed but nodded. "He took me to visit the market yesterday. It was so neat seeing all the exotic trade stands." She poured the now cooled liquid into a large vial, then set it on a wire stand.

"I think he likes you," she replied as she moved to curve her legs beneath her on the sofa.

Desi shrugged. "I'm still not so sure about that. As friends, sure. But he turns kind of distant if anything even seems like it could turn into more." She sighed, then picked the vial up and brought it over to Laney, sitting on the sofa with her.

"Give him time, I think he may write to you once you take your leave." Laney took the vial from Desi's waiting hand. "Thank you for this."

"I hate that it's already just about time to leave. Tomorrow afternoon is going to get here so fast." She complained, then looked at the vial. "I made enough to last until I come back in three weeks."

Laney nodded and smiled at her friend. "All of us will miss you. But if you see Dia please give her a hug from me."

"I will miss all of you as well, and I'll definitely see her!" She said, the last part more cheerful. "Now, for this, he needs to use it just once a day. But he will have to be in his Jotun form to apply it."

"Loki will not be happy about that," she replied grimly.

"I know, but he can be alone to do it. It's applied just like a body oil, and since I mainly work with children, I altered it a bit to absorb and begin working almost immediately. He just needs to apply it, then he can change to his common form right after." She promised.

She nodded as she played with the vial in her hands. "Thank you for this. It took a lot of talking for him to even admit to me that he was dealing with the pain of them coming in. I told him about... when I found out of his death. I also told him about when I cared for Dia when she was an infant."

"That's a huge first step though, Laney. If he will tell you about these things, at least he can be given proper care now." She said truthfully. "I know you don't want to be away from him, but Dia does know about you and wants to see you."

"I know... but I hate that it takes forever to get it through his thick skull that I am not leaving his side just because he's Jotun." She plopped her head back onto the couch and stared at the ceiling. "He told me that I'm not worth his life. If only he knew how you found me the night I almost took mine."

"When your letter came, telling me how he was still alive, I asked around to find out some of the stories passed around the palace. The things he was told... I'm honestly surprised you got him this far this fast." Desi admitted, then leaned her head on Laney's shoulder. "Don't tell him yet. I think his mind is still too fragile to handle the images it would put into his head."

Laney shook her head as a tear unwillingly fell down her cheek. "I don't know if I'm ready to even share it myself. It was a very dark time and to be able to hold onto him now, to wrap my arms around him... it seems unreal."

Desi wrapped her arms around Laney to comfort her. "There's no rush. You both have difficult times you will need to confront at some point, but for right now, just enjoy each other."

She sniffled and leaned against her best friend. "You know, I don't know what I would do without you either," she said with a blubbery chuckle.

Desi smiled cutely. "Without me, you would just ride off into the sunset with your prince and have absolutely no clue what to do for his horns." She giggled, trying to lighten the conversation.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now