Chapter Thirty Five

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As soon as Laney and Loki stepped into their chambers and Loki and secured the door behind them, she pulled him to her by his shorts so she could reach his lips. "If me being this way bothers you, please let me know," she murmured.

"It doesn't bother me at all darling. It is interesting to see you so turned on before I have even done anything." Loki chuckled, then pulled her into a deep kiss.

Laney quickly kissed him back as she ran her hands up his bare chest. "The feeling is so strong," she murmured, "I ache for you."

"Then take me." He growled in her ear. "I am at your mercy." Laney couldn't stop the moan that left her lips at his words, before she captured his lips again. She ran her nails down his chest before she met the waistband of his shorts and pushed them down over his hips.

"Someone is eager." Loki said with an approving grin, already starting to grow aroused. "Where do you want me?"

"Anywhere," she said with a smirk as she caressed his hips with her fingers. "Is it bad that I'm so eager?"

"It isn't bad at all darling, I find it amusing and honestly quite arousing." Loki admitted, then led her to the bedroom. She smiled at him as he had her sit on the edge of the bed, then stood between her legs. 

Laney slowly ran her hands up and down his sides from his ribs to the sides of his thighs. "I'm at your mercy my love."

"How bad is your ache? Can you handle a little teasing first?" Loki asked her curiously.

"Depends on what you have in mind." Laney replied with a smirk.

"Well, you could enjoy this silvertongue first if you want." He said with a smirk.

Laney felt a shiver run up her spine while she licked her lips and eyed his standing arousal, which rested against his belly. "Could I taste you first?"

"You can do anything you want to me, I do not mind at all." Loki said truthfully and combed his fingers into her hair.

She leaned into his touch then leaned forward to place open mouthed kisses on his stomach, moving her way downward with each one until she gently kissed the tip of his shaft. "How's that?" she whispered.

Loki groaned softly in reply and tightened his grip on her hair, while being careful to not hurt her. "That feels very good."

"I'm glad you like it," Laney murmured, then decidedly slowly licked his shaft from base to tip.

Loki's hips bucked slightly but he worked to control himself. "Gods that feels good." He moaned. Laney chuckled before she took him in her hand, then into her mouth before she moaned at the taste of his skin. He gently tugged her hair to encourage her, but realized he was larger in size in this form. "Careful darling, don't take more than you can handle." He said softly. She looked up at him and met his eyes as she started to bob her head up and down on him. Loki grunted as he got closer, finding the heat of her mouth overwhelming in an arousing way in this form. "Darling... I'm close..." He warned her, breathless.

Laney slowly removed his shaft from the heat of her mouth. "Do you want to finish this way?" she asked softly.

"Up to you... if I do, I can go again in a few minutes." He managed to answer.

"Sounds like you're just as eager as me, my love," Laney purred, before she took him in her mouth again and began to suck him once more.

"I can go a couple times... before I need a break," Loki panted. "Love..." Loki tried to warn her as he reached his climax. He watched as Laney put her hands on his hips and continued to bob her head as she felt his legs shake with his climax, though she took every drop he could give her. Loki gently released his hold on her hair as he calmed down. "That was incredible darling."

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now