Chapter Fourteen

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Two weeks later, on the morning Desi was due to arrive, Loki was up early to clean their chambers since he always did the cleaning himself. He dusted and organised, cleaned the bathroom, and checked to make sure everything was tidy.

Both of them had already eaten breakfast, so Laney decided to lay out on the balcony on a blanket, soaking up some sun. "You've been cleaning for an hour," she complained when Loki passed by the open door for what had to have been the twentieth time.

He stopped and poked his head outside to look at her. "I just want to make sure everything is clean and tidy. Desi will be here any minute and I don't want the place to be a mess."

Laney chuckled as she rolled onto her back. "You act like you're about to meet my mother."

"I am about to meet your best friend, I think that is more terrifying." He chuckled softly, then turned when there was a knock on the door. "That is most likely her..."

"Most likely," Laney answered as she stood and put a sheer wrap over the tiny top and bottoms she had on. "It's open!"

Desi opened the door slowly, then made an excited bound across the room to hug Laney, her bright red hair flying behind her. "I missed you!" She giggled, letting go after a minute.

Laney laughed. "I missed you too. I am so happy you decided to come here."

"I felt a little nervous at first, but since you aren't leaving anytime soon, I knew I had to come see you." She admitted, then glanced over at Loki who was standing nearby, but she was too intimidated by his royal status to talk to him.

"There's nothing to be nervous about. In fact, I'd like you to meet someone," she replied and held out her hand for Loki to take. When he did and stood by her side, Laney looked back to Desi. "This is Loki, my childhood friend, and now, my partner."

"It's nice to finally meet you." Loki said, bowing politely and wearing his most charming smile.

"Nice to meet you too." Desi said, blushing softly. She didn't tell me he was this handsome...

Laney tightened the grip she had on Loki's hand. "How have you been?" She asked, "You know how we've been as of late."

"I've been busy with my post, but good. There really isn't much to tell." Desi shrugged.

"We can all have a seat. I will get us some tea if you like." Loki offered.

Desi smiled. "Tea would be wonderful."

Laney kissed Loki's cheek and let go of his hand. "Thank you dear," she murmured, then turned to lead Desi out to the table on the balcony. She sat, then watched as Desi sat across from her. "I hope that your post as a children's healer hasn't been too busy," she commented.

Desi pulled her focus away from the balconies view. "It has been a bit busy, but mostly just a bunch of the normal stuff. We haven't had anyone badly injured or sick." She explained, unable to stop herself from looking at everything in sight.

"Is this your first time coming to Asgard?" Laney asked. "Both of us can take you on a tour. Loki's able to roam the palace and the grounds now, but Frigga has a tracer on him."

Desi nodded. "I saw the palace once before from a distance, but this is my first time in the palace and around royalty." She admitted, blushing softly. "A tour would be fun... if he doesn't mind." She said, still intimidated by Loki's status.

"Desi, Loki will not mind. He'll be happy to get some fresh air. He's just like you and me, there's no need to be scared of him," Laney explained, "Hel, I've told you practically everything we've ever done."

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