Chapter Two

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Frigga stood in her chambers just after finishing the evening meal in the dining room with the others. She knew that it would be some time before her husband would be going to bed, so she knew it would be safe to visit her son. After she closed her eyes, she concentrated her energy. When she opened them once more, she stood in the center of Loki's cell.

"Why are you back here?"

"I can't visit you?" Frigga asked as she turned towards his voice. She relaxed her shoulders at seeing him laying on the bed she had brought in for him, wearing a simple green tunic and dark trousers. When she didn't receive an answer she walked up to the side of the bed, noting that his food tray had barely been touched. "Loki, you need to eat."

"Why should I? If I rot down here nobody would care." Loki avoided her gaze, though he could feel her eyes on him.

"Did you receive the book I had sent down for you?" Frigga questioned, changing the subject.

Loki looked to his side, eyeing the large leather book that had been brought to him along with his dinner. "What of it?"

"Do you think I am dense Loki? I know what that book means to you. Not because of its pages, but because of what resides within it." She watched as Loki furrowed his brow before he jolted upward and opened the book to the bookmarked page to see the thick ribbon that sat inside.

"How did you know I have this?"

Frigga smiled. "You showed me once if I recall. Before... before everything happened." She watched as Loki ran a finger down the length of the fabric, feeling the velvet against his skin. "You know, she was rather surprised you have kept that all these years," she added slyly.

Loki looked up at Frigga, his eyes wide, before he quickly schooled his features. "What did you do? Write to her?" he asked.

"Loki my dear son-"

"I am not your son!" he quickly countered, his eyes boring into hers.

Frigga narrowed her eyes at him, but ignored his outburst. "She is here." Frigga smirked when a blank look took over Loki's face.

"Laney is here? She is back in Asgard?"

"Yes, and she will be visiting you tomorrow."

Loki quickly shook his head and averted his eyes. "I do not wish to see her."

"You do not get a say in the matter," Frigga stated firmly, "She mourned for you just as much as we did when we thought you were gone. I think she deserves to speak to you, even if you are stuck down here for your crimes."

"My crimes," Loki hissed, "You have no idea the meaning of them."

"I would if you would tell me Loki."

Loki looked at her angrily. "Why should I tell you anything? Everything you ever told me was a lie!"

Frigga closed her eyes at his bellowing voice. She knew they were both reaching their limit for the night. "Loki, Laney will be escorted down here tomorrow at noon. Be civil." When she met his eyes again, they were a hunter green, the light inside them completely gone. She nodded once before she let her projection vanish. When she became aware of her surroundings once more, she heard a knock on the door. She quickly walked over to it and opened it to see Laney. "Oh, hi dear. I-is everything alright?" she stammered.

"Evening Frigga, I... Frigga are you alright?"

It was then that Frigga felt the tears on her face and quickly wiped them away. "I'm alright Laney, I assure you," she replied as she stepped aside to let her in. "I was just speaking with Loki."

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now