Chapter Thirty

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The group made it back to the palace later than expected, but without further incident. The palace was starting to quiet down for the evening and it was mainly maids they passed by as they returned.

"Can I see the tunic you picked out?" Desi asked Thor as they entered the palace, excited to see it on him.

Thor looked over at Desi with a raised eyebrow, then realized she was talking about the package he'd bought. "Actually... it's not a tunic. I got you a gift."

Desi blushed softly. "Please tell me you didn't get that super expensive dress..." she said, worried he did.

"I did not," he assured, "but I got something you may enjoy sleeping in." Thor turned down the next hallway and nodded to Loki and Laney as they continued walking towards their chambers. "I hope I picked out something good."

"I do love pajamas." Desi said truthfully. "I will wear them tonight!" She said happily, excited to see what he picked for her.

Thor chuckled as they got to their chambers and walked inside and to the sitting room. He placed the wrapped package on the coffee table, then sat on the sofa. "Go ahead and open it."

Desi picked up the package and held it tight. "I will just go change and you can see how it looks." She smiled. "I just need to say this though... you don't have to buy me things."

"I want to buy you things Desi. I know I don't need to," he said softly. Did I do something wrong?

"I just wanted to make sure you knew I don't expect it." Desi said truthfully. "I'm going to go change now!" She said excitedly. When she turned to walk away, a note fell out of the package. She picked it up and handed it to Thor. "This is addressed to you." She said, then went into the bedroom to change.

Thor furrowed his brow, but quickly opened the note and recognized the elegant writing from his brother.

Brother, don't be alarmed but I made your gift a tad more tasteful. - Loki

"Loki..." he grumbled, then sat back in his spot on the sofa. "Hopefully you don't scare her," he thought aloud.

"Um... Thor? Are you sure this is to sleep in?" Desi called out from the bedroom a few minutes later, her voice a little higher from embarrassment.

"What's the matter Dess?" Thor asked, using her nickname for the first time.

"N-nothing... there just isn't much to wear." Desi replied. She took a deep breath to gain the courage to step out, showing the very revealing red lace she was wearing. Thinking it was what Thor had picked, she tried her best to look confident for him.

Loki, remind me to thank you. Thor stood up and slowly walked up to her as he looked at her from head to toe. "You look stunning."

Desi blushed deeply, knowing the lace was doing little to actually cover her. "Thank you." She said softly, curious as to what he had really planned for the evening now.

Thor gently took her hand in his and caressed the back of it. "I'll admit, this isn't what I bought," he said quietly. "Loki seemed it would be necessary to alter what I did buy, but I honestly do like you in this."

"That doesn't surprise me, this seems like the sort of thing he would do." She admitted. Though I suppose it's kind of pointless to cover myself at this point.

"I hope you are not angry," Thor said sincerely. "My brother means well. He just wants us to loosen up I think."

Desi nodded. "I'm not upset, just a little embarrassed... Laney thinks we need to loosen up as well." She admitted.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now