Chapter Twenty Seven

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When they arrived at the clinic, Loki opened the door for Laney and let her walk in. "Should I just ask for Desi, or do I sign in? I've never been to a clinic before." Loki admitted.

"Just ask for Desi. She will know what's going on," Laney said softly, then pecked his cheek as they walked up to the counter.

"Can I help you?" The healer at the counter asked them politely.

"We need to see Desi please. Just tell her it's for Laney's test and she will understand." Loki said and the healer nodded then walked into the back. She returned almost immediately. "She said to put you in with Dia for now, if that's alright?"

Laney nodded. "That would be lovely, thank you," Both of them turned and followed the receptionist down the hall and into the third room on the right to see Dia and her mother sitting in the room, along with Desi. Dia currently sat in her mother's lap while she received her breathing treatment, but when she saw Laney and Loki, she giggled and clapped her hands.

"Hey!" Desi greeted them, then looked at Laney, not realizing Loki knew. "Do you want to step into the back with me and give me a hand real quick?"

"There's no need. We'll just wait until Dia's finished and do this together," she said with a soft smile.

"He knows?" Desi asked.

Laney nodded as she reached for Loki's hand and held it tightly. "Yes, he does now."

Desi grinned. "You'll have to tell me about that later."

"I will. But Loki wants to be a part of this, I'm not going to leave him out," she replied.

"I wouldn't leave him out, I just want to hear about how everything went." Desi admitted. "I can start the test for you now, because it takes a few minutes."

"Sure, just tell me what to do," Laney answered.

"I just need a tiny blood sample. We can do it right here, it's an easy test." Desi said and held up a small vial.

Laney held out her hand to Desi. "Prick away. You know I'm not needle shy."

"Just put your finger on top, it will be a tiny poke. After that, we just have to let it sit for around ten minutes." Desi said and put the correct rubber-like top on the vial, then held it out for Laney to put her finger on.

She nodded and barely flinched at feeling the prick to her finger. Afterward she accepted the gauze to stem the bleeding as she curled against Loki's side. "It won't be long now Loki."

Loki nodded, not sure what to say. Dia giggled and reached out for Loki again and without a word, he picked her up and sat on the floor with her. "He's doing a lot better." Desi said softly.

Laney smiled down at them and nodded. "He's warmed up to the idea just a little I think."

"I think he will do alright in time." Desi assured Laney. "He is doing better in this form as well." She said, since Loki was still in Jotun form.

"He's gotten a lot better in the past couple of days, but he's not completely comfortable," Laney replied as she leaned against the wall and watched Loki and Dia play. "I think it will take a decent amount of time for him to be one with himself."

"I know he still has a long way to go, but just look at how far he's come in such a short time." Desi said proudly. "You are doing great to help him." She said, then picked up the vial. "Are you ready?"

Laney took a deep breath and looked at Loki. "Let me see, then I will tell Loki myself."

"I want to see when you do, if that's alright..." Loki told Laney.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now