Chapter Forty Three

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Laney yawned as she slowly sat up in bed the following morning and rubbed her overly swollen belly. "I don't think I got four hours of sleep last night," she grumbled.

"After your appointment, we can come back and have a nap, alright?" Loki suggested. He rolled onto his side and kissed her cheek. 

"I could go back to sleep now," she commented.

"I don't doubt it, but it is important for you to have breakfast before we go." Loki said softly, wishing he could let her sleep.

She sighed and silently winced so as not to alert Loki to Star's strong kicks. "I doubt I will be able to eat much."

Loki rubbed her belly. "I know she's kicking harder..." he said sadly. "Just eat what you can, and we will hopefully have good news in a bit."

Laney leaned back against Loki's bare chest and let him continue to rub her belly. "I hope so... that feels nice."

"Would it help if I held you like this for your nap later?" He asked, willing to do anything to help.

She smiled and leaned her head back on his shoulder so she could see his face. "I would love that."

"I can even hold you like this while you eat, if it might help." He said truthfully.

Laney grasped the back of Loki's head then brought him down for a kiss. "I might just enjoy that," she whispered.

Loki smiled into the kiss. "I hope you do enjoy it." He grinned but looked up as there was a knock directly on their bedroom door.

"I have breakfast." Frigga called out.

"Come in." Loki called back, immediately relaxing. Frigga walked in with breakfast for them both and set the tray next to them.

"Frigga, you didn't have to go to all of this trouble," Laney teased.

"Neither Loki nor I like the idea of strangers coming in here right now." Frigga admitted, then sat in the chair at the little table. "Also, I was able to talk to Orin some and thought you both might be interested."

Laney's face brightened as she ate a piece of toasted bread with butter. "What did you two talk about?"

"We talked about a lot, like where's he been, his claims with the papers he brought, and so on." Frigga answered.

"So it's true then. Loki's biological mother is alive?" she asked.

Frigga shook her head. "We don't know. Orin couldn't find her, so he forged the signature. He didn't tell Thor that, he just had him sign it." She explained.

Laney furrowed her brow. "So he lied?"

"He did what needed to be done. All he would say is that he found an actual relative to Loki to sign the statement... just not his mother." She clarified.

"I wonder who that could be," Laney replied.

"He said that he was sworn to secrecy by the person, and he won't disrespect that promise." Frigga told her.

"That's so strange. What do you think, Loki?" she asked as she glanced up at him.

"I don't know what to make of any of this." Loki sighed, but never stopped rubbing Laney's belly. "So, I have at least one blood relative alive... that's good to know. They might be able to tell me more about my blood family." he said, trying to be as positive as possible.

"That's a good way to look at things darling," Laney said softly, then looked back over at Frigga. "What else did Orin talk about?"

"He told us about his travels, and his different postings... just getting caught up." She said, not sure how interested they would be in all that.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now