Chapter Twenty

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Thor sighed as he sat on his sofa and sulked. He'd already written to Desi and had it sent off when the maids came to pick up his barely eaten breakfast. Nothing could seem to keep his focus, no matter what he had tried. "Ugh," he groaned and let himself plop onto his back to stare at the ceiling.

Loki bypassed knocking and walked right into his brother's room. "Someone on your mind?" he asked as he approached the sofa.

"You could say that," Thor responded solemnly, but moved to sit up so his brother could sit beside him. "Are you feeling better?"

Loki sat down and shrugged. "The horns feel better, but there's other issues now." He admitted.

Thor raised an eyebrow at his brother. "Other issues?" he questioned. "Of what nature?"

"Laney is starting to want children." Loki replied softly.

"I am sure she does not mean right away brother," Thor countered as he turned to face him. "Wanting children is not a bad thing."

"Perhaps not right away, but it is on her mind more and more. She does not understand that I cannot give her children." Loki kept his eyes on the floor.

"Loki, as far as I know, you are fully capable of producing a child. Have you seen a healer?" he asked, thinking that Loki could need to see someone to help him.

He finally looked over at his brother. "Not medically, you thunderhead. My children would be half Jotun."

Thor chuckled. "To be fair, you were not specific on your problem. But I do not see one. I know you harbor a lot of hate for the Jontar... I did as well. Until I found out about my family tree when I was bored in the library last month. I did not tell anyone I had found out about my great great great grandfather, but it made me do a lot more reading."

"I was very hurt to find out about that. It was actually what made me so determined to never have children." He sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"I am unhappy to learn about it from a book and not my family, but I am more disappointed than angry. I am disappointed to know the feelings father harbors is because of something he cannot control, which caused him to treat you the way he did. Then he proceeds to call me rash and a child." Thor sighed and sat back on the sofa while he propped his legs up on the nearby coffee table. "I am sorry for my part in what happened Loki. I never meant to do you any harm."

"I know you didn't, and I'm sorry for my actions against you after I learned the truth." He said sincerely. "Can I be honest about something?"

"You can tell me anything Loki," Thor replied sincerely, "I want you to be able to talk to me anytime you need to."

Loki gave him a small, appreciative smile. "All I know is to hate the Jotnar... Odin shares their blood and still hates them... so what would stop me from hating my own children?" He asked in barely more than a whisper.

Thor reached over and gripped onto Loki's knee, hoping it was a comforting move. "I do not believe you could ever hate your children. I think if you ever saw a tiny newborn with Laney's eyes and your dark hair, you'd fall head over heels."

Loki shook his head. "But what if I can't get past the hate? What if it all goes wrong and I snap?"

"I cannot tell you how you will feel Loki," Thor stated softly. "You will only know if you experience it for yourself. I know it sounds terrifying, but I really do think you could make a wonderful father and husband one day."

"Right, speaking of that... how would you feel about going to the market?" He asked with a little grin.

Thor raised an eyebrow at his brother. "What is going on in that mind of yours?" he asked playfully.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now