Chapter Twenty Six

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*smut warning*

When Loki woke the following morning, he got up to get a glass of water. He quickly found that Desi had already left for work, but had left a note saying they were welcome to stay at her place as long as they wanted.

Grumbling in her sleep, Laney rolled over before she opened her eyes. She sat up and rubbed her eyes before she yawned. "Loki?" she called.

"I'm out here darling." He called from the sitting room. He had successfully made toast and laid it out with cookies and juice, to try and surprise Laney with a better breakfast.

Laney smiled at the sound of Loki's voice, climbed out of the bed and walked down the hall and into the kitchen. "Did you sleep well?" she asked while trying to hold back a yawn, still feeling gripped by sleep.

"I did. I tried to stay up and wait for you, but I must have fallen asleep. I tried again to make breakfast. It's in the sitting room." He told her, then led the way with the jam he had gotten in the kitchen.

Laney smiled wide at the platter that Loki laid out for them both. "Loki, this is so sweet of you!" She took his hand and quickly pulled him to her to give him a kiss. "Thank you."

Loki smiled and returned her kiss. "Did I do better this time?" He asked, hoping he had.

"Yes, you did," Laney murmured then pecked his lips once more before she sat on the sofa and grabbed a piece of toast to eat.

He smiled brightly at her approval. "I would still like for us to make breakfast together sometime." He said truthfully and sat next to her.

Laney swallowed her bite of food and nodded. "I would like to as well. Maybe we will have time before we leave for Asgard tomorrow morning?" she asked. "I don't know when Thor will be greeting us."

"We could get up early and make breakfast." He agreed. "He is supposed to send word today of his arrival time."

"We will have to go by the house today and see if his letter came when we get stuff to go to the beach. That is if the weather didn't make everything a mess last night," she replied.

"I think it should be fine darling. We can go after we eat, and if the beach does not work, I'm sure we can find something else to do." He assured her.

Laney took another bite of toast after she added some jam to it. "I hope the beach will still be okay to go to. I am looking forward to showing it to you."

"I am looking forward to going to the beach. I just know that if we can't, we can still have a nice day together." Loki commented, then picked up a cookie and took a bite.

She smiled at him after she finished her toast, then grabbed her cup of juice and took a long drink. "I always enjoy myself in your company." Laney stood from the sofa and walked to the window to get a peek of how it looked outside. The street was damp from the rain, but it seemed as Yamir was still bustling with people going different places and going about their usual day.

Loki stood and walked over to join her. "It looks like it will be a nice day following the storm," He commented, seeing the mild looking weather. "Do you want to get dressed and head back?"

"We can. The town seems busy today, so it will be a crowded walk," Laney replied as she leaned back against him.

"That's fine, I would like to see the town at full operation." He admitted, holding her close.

Laney chuckled and turned to face Loki in his embrace. "Then you shall get to," she said softly as she met his eyes.

Loki leaned in and kissed her softly. "Let's go get dressed." He said after. He was excited to explore the town and beach with her.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now