Chapter Forty Four

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Thor sighed and looked around the Soul Forge room before he turned and smiled at his mother. "I will check on Desi." Watching his mother nod, he turned and left the room.

Desi looked up when Thor walked out. Without a word, she went right into his arms, then finally calmed down. "I have everything packed and ready, for whenever you're ready to go." She said softly.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair. "I'm ready to go when you are. We can leave on horseback."

"I'm ready, we just need to grab the bag from our rooms. Are we riding double?" Desi asked him, wanting to be close.

"If you would like to," Thor replied as he rubbed her back gently.

"I would." Desi answered and finally pulled away just enough to show she was ready to go get their bag and leave.

Thor smiled down at her then kissed her softly. "Let us be off then. Father knows we will be gone for a couple of nights."

Desi returned his kiss and smiled, then tugged his arm to get them walking. "How did you get time away from court so quickly?" She asked curiously, leading the way to their chambers.

"Father is feeling well, and court meetings have been halted since Orin arrived," he explained.

"Why have the meetings stopped?" Desi asked curiously, mostly back to being herself now. Once at their chambers, she opened the door and grabbed the three bags they were taking, having left them right by the door.

"Orin knew about the council's battle with Loki, and we're unsure how," Thor answered. "So mother is investigating."

"Since he's family, I assumed it was Odin or someone that told him." Desi admitted, shocked. She locked their door, then led them outside, towards the stables for a horse.

"I hadn't talked to him in a very long time," Thor admitted. "Well over a couple hundred years."

"Is he staying here now?" Desi asked curiously. "If he is, do you think he would let me scan him?"

Thor shrugged as he opened the door that led them outside. "I'm not sure if he is staying. Mother and Father have been talking to him, that's all I know."

"We can worry about all of that when we get home." Desi said, excited for their trip. "So, if your mother hasn't finished her investigation by time we return, does that mean you'll have more time free from court?"

"I suppose so," he replied as they got to the path that would lead them towards the stables.

"Maybe I can get some extra time off as well." Desi said happily. "I get the feeling we won't have time off together like this very often." She said truthfully, enjoying the walk.

Thor looked at her with a furrowed brow. "Why do you say that darling?"

"Between court and patients, I just don't see us having nearly a week off at the same time very often. Unless you specifically want us to schedule time off like that?" Desi asked, more than fine with changing their schedules.

"We will have time dear; I promise you." Thor gently pulled her to him so he could kiss her just as they reached the stables.

"I know we will, but it would be nice to have little vacations like this on occasion." Desi said truthfully, after their kiss.

"Your horse is ready, your highness." The stablemaster said, leading Thor's horse out, ready to go.

"Thank you, Gordon," Thor praised as he took the reins of Frey. "We will Dess, I'm sure," he said as he looked back over at Desi.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now