Chapter Thirty Three

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Laney woke the next morning with a groan and clutched at her stomach. She laid there for a few moments before the uneasy feeling overwhelmed her and she rushed from bed and into the bathroom, causing Loki to feel Laney quickly get up, waking him. Instantly feeling worried, he got out of bed and followed her but stopped just outside the bathroom door for privacy. "Darling? Are you alright?"

After emptying her stomach, Laney sat back and rested her head against the counter. "I think I'm okay."

Loki walked into the bathroom, knelt down, and gently pulled Laney to him to hold her. "Is the potion not working, or has it just worn off from last evening?" He asked while rubbing her back.

"I think it's worn off," she replied tiredly as she snuggled against him. "Why are symptoms happening so early? It doesn't make sense to me."

"Come on, let's get you back to bed and I will make up some tea with the potion for you." Loki suggested. "Do you want me to send for Desi so she can make sure everything is alright?"

Laney let Loki help her up. "Could you? I am wondering why this is happening so fast."

"I will get your tea first so you can have some relief, then I will send for her," Loki promised. Once he had Laney on her feet, he picked her up bridal style and carried her back into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. "I will be right back." He promised and kissed her forehead, then went into the sitting room where the potion was kept. It only took a moment to conjure the tea and add the potion, then he brought her the cup.

She smiled at him softly and took a couple long sips of the tea, feeling almost instant relief. "Thank you Loki."

Loki sat on the edge of the bed beside her. "Will you be alright while I go talk to the guard? I don't want to leave you alone too long if I were to go get Desi myself."

"I'll be okay darling," Laney said softly, then took another sip. "I promise."

"I will be right outside the main door, so if you need me, just holler and I will be right back." Loki promised. He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, then stood and left the room. Once out in the hall, he sent a guard to deliver his summons, and then  quickly returned to Laney.


Thor had just stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, leaving Desi to have some privacy to finish her own shower, though a wide smile showed on his face. Insatiable little thing...

The guard knocked loudly on Thor's door repeatedly as he knew they may still be sleeping this early. "My Lord, the matter is urgent!" He called out, then knocked again.

"A moment!" Thor called, then quickly dressed in a pair of trousers, foregoing his underwear, then answered the door. "What is the urgency?" he asked.

"Lord Loki told me to send word for Lady Desi. Lady Laney is unwell and needs tended to." The guard said quickly.

Thor nodded. "We will be there as soon as we can. Desi is bathing at the moment."

"Should I send word back?" The guard asked and bowed.

"Yes, please do. Both of us will be there soon," Thor stated.

The guard bowed then hurried back to Loki's room with the message before returning to his normal post.

Thor hurried back through the sitting room, then the bedroom, to the bathroom. "Desi?" he called. "Are you done darling?"

"Yes! I'm getting dressed right now." Desi called back to him. "Where did you go in such a hurry?" She asked curiously. When she stepped out, she was still tying her tunic, but otherwise dressed.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now