Chapter Seventeen

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Loki and Laney arrived in the family dining hall just after plates were served to Frigga and Odin. She smiled as she took her usual seat across from Frigg and gratefully took a large gulp from the goblet of water that was given to her. "Evening Frigga, Odin. I hope your day has been well."

"Good evening dear. We have had an uneventful day. Did you enjoy the trail ride?" Frigga asked politely.

Laney nodded as a maid put a plate of roast chicken, veggies, and fruit in front of both her and Loki. "Yes, we did. It's been a while since I've been on horseback, so I imagine I will be sore tomorrow."

"It is a wonderful ride around the palace. That is the trail I used to teach the boys to ride." Frigga explained.

"Awe! That's so cool. I hope to be doing a lot of riding in the future if I am able. Loki said he would help me pick out a horse of my own."

Odin looked at Loki with a raised eyebrow. "Is that true son?" he asked.

Loki slowly looked up from his plate, confused for a moment. Did he call me son? "Is it alright?" He asked Odin.

"You may find a horse for Laney if you wish. Just make sure you pick one that will take care of her when she rides it," Odin replied, then took a bite of his food.

"Yes sir... thank you." Loki said softly. He was still angry at Odin but knew he had to behave. Without another word, he went back to eating. On his own, he had picked out the Jotun food to eat.

Laney squeezed Loki's knee gently beneath the table in support as she continued to eat from her own plate. "I look forward to having the companion Odin. Thank you."

Odin nodded his head in acknowledgement and Frigga smiled. She then looked towards the entrance of the hall. "Is Thor and your friend not joining us this evening?"

"No, they are enjoying a private dinner tonight. It would seem they are sort of courting now, I think." Loki tried to explain, but unsure of what exactly their relationship was.

"Desi told me Thor asked her out on her next visit," Laney explained. "Although, I don't think Desi is completely excited to go home."

"I can understand that. No one would want to leave with a relationship just beginning." Frigga agreed. "Thor is very loyal though, he will not stray in her absence."

"I know he won't," Laney replied as she finished what she wanted from her plate, then sat back in her chair. "I think they will hit it off I am sure."

"From what I am hearing, they already have." Frigga said with an approving smile. "I did look up her record, she is quite the accomplished healer for her age."

Laney nodded in excitement. "We both studied under Claude in Yamir, but she was the one that got the top marks. Desi specializes in sociology and works with children a lot."

"I noticed that. The notes suggest she is well liked by all of her clients. I also know she has helped a lot with Loki in her short time here." Frigga glared back at Loki when he glared at her, but he decided to finish his food instead of arguing.

"I am thankful for her help. She actually made something for him a few days ago and I think it has helped him a lot."

"May I ask what he needed?" She asked, concerned about her son.

"Umm..." she glanced at Loki, then looked back at Frigga. "It's a bit of a sensitive subject."

"I am fine with mother knowing, but only mother." Loki said firmly. He glanced over at Odin, not wanting him to know about the horns.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now