Chapter Thirty Six

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Three months quickly passed and many of the days involved going over wedding plans and approving decorations. Loki knew Laney would be going for her final dress fitting soon and he was eager to see what her dress looked like. What he was most eager for was finding out the gender of their baby, and that day had finally arrived.

Laney stood in the bathroom of their chambers and stared at the reflection of herself in the floor length mirror. Her belly had grown considerably, but was still on the small side. She grinned down at her belly as she ran her hand back and forth across it. "Today we find out what you are little star," she said softly.

Loki emerged from the bedroom and walked up behind Laney. He wrapped both arms around her and placed his hands on either side of her swollen belly. "Are you ready darling?" He asked excitedly.

She covered her hands with his and leaned back against his chest. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Let's be on our way then." Loki said and let go of Laney to take her hand instead, so they could walk. "We are going to plan a huge shopping day after this."

Laney giggled as she let him lead her out of their chambers and down the hall. "I'm sure your mother will want to have a baby blessing. Other will give us gifts."

"That is all fine, but I want us to go shopping so I can spoil our little star." Loki chuckled, and led them around a corner and towards the Hall of Healing.

The closer they got to the Hall of Healing, the more nervous Laney began to feel. "I'm shaking," she said softly as they reached the entrance. "Today's a big day."

Loki stopped then and wrapped his arms around Laney. "We are just finding out the gender. Our little star will still be our little star no matter what." He assured her.

Laney curled against his chest and returned his tight embrace as best as she could. "I'm excited, but nervous," she admitted.

"What are you nervous about darling? Is everything alright?" He asked, worried.

"I'm alright, I just think it's nervous excitement," she replied.

"Do you want to wait longer? We can always reschedule darling." He told her, wanting her to be under as little stress as possible.

She shook her head. "No, I want to find out today."

Loki nodded then moved his arm to open the door for her. "I just hope everyone is already here so we don't have to wait even longer."

Laney smirked at him, then walked through the door to see Desi waiting for them. "Morning Desi."

Desi looked up and smiled. "Good morning! Thor went to get Frigga so she can see the baby, then we will be ready!" She said excitedly.

"It's gonna be a party in here," Laney replied with a chuckle.

"Just a little party." Desi chuckled. "The baby blessing feast will be the real party!"

"I can only imagine the gifts we will receive. I'm sure there will be a lot." Laney walked over to one of the waiting chairs and sat before she crossed her ankles.

"It will be interesting to see." Loki said happily and walked over to sit with Laney while they waited.

"Sorry I'm late." Frigga said as she walked into the room.

Laney grinned. "It's okay. We haven't been here long."

"Are you ready Laney?" Desi asked. She walked over and started getting the Soul Forge ready.

"I'm ready when you are," Laney replied.

"I am ready, just hop up here and we will see what baby is!" Desi said excitedly. Loki stood and offered his hand to help Laney up.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now