Chapter Thirty One

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Thor stood in front of his dresser, trying to decide on a tunic to wear. He sighed while he looked back and forth between a beige color and a dark red one, undecided.

Loki knocked on the door. "Brother, are you in there?" He called out.

"Yes! You may enter!" He boomed in response, although he still stared at the tunics.

Loki let himself in and found his brother in the bedroom. "Wear the red one." He said, quickly figuring out the issue. "Do you want me to go with you?"

Thor pulled the red one over his head, then smoothed it out. "How is Laney?"

"She is sleeping now and doesn't mind if I accompany you." Loki answered.

Thor shrugged. "If you want to come along, that is fine." A wide smirk suddenly appeared on his face. "I have something to tell you."

"I'm listening..." Loki said, curious as to what it could be.

"The outfit you changed Desi's to really helped us last night. We uh... got to know each other on a whole new level," he stated.

"Good, it's about time you got laid." Loki chuckled. "Does this mean you two won't be so nervous around each other now?"

Thor rubbed the back of his neck with a laugh. "I think it helped us both greatly. Desi is actually a very bold woman when she wants to be."

"That's good though. You both just need some confidence in being together. I've seen how you can be around women and don't understand why you are so withdrawn around her." Loki said truthfully.

He shrugged, then sighed. "Desi is so different from everyone else. She's accomplished and well written. Her mind is a lot broader than mine."

"Again, this is good. You and her kind of remind me of mother and Odin... you know all there is to know about war, and she's the healer. I have seen some of her records, and she could turn into a very good queen." Loki pointed out truthfully.

"Perhaps... but she is fairly quiet and shy about giving her point of view on things," Thor said as he led Loki out into the sitting room, then to the main doors. "Unless it's in the bedroom," he added with a smirk.

Loki chuckled and rolled his eyes. "She wasn't raised like we were. Desi is clearly intelligent enough to learn the role, she just needs to gain the confidence to speak up. I think being in the palace still intimidates her, but that is easily overcome."

Thor nodded in agreement as they left his rooms and started down the hallway. "I hate to make her feel pressured, but I agree with you."

"I would suggest you just talk with her first, explain how it usually works. Healers tend to be good at working under pressure, so I would say it's best to let her decide if she can handle it." Loki advised.

"Thank you brother," Thor said as he clasped his hand on Loki's shoulder. "I knew I made the perfect decision in making you my advisor... even if this is about more personal matters."

"A true advisor helps in all aspects, personal matters included. In terms of personal matters, I will always keep that confidential between just you and I." Loki promised and led them outside the palace.

"I would hope so," Thor answered with a chuckle. "I'm still wondering who Desi is wanting us to meet today. She did not say who it was, but my mind is curious."

"I don't know either, but I know she tends to make friends with people at the clinics, so that is likely all it is." Loki replied, not overly worried.

Thor nodded as they turned onto the path that would take them to the market. "She should be going on lunch soon," he said as he eyed the sun's position in the sky.

Lumina Lui Strălucitoare (His Shining Light) A Loki Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now