Part One: The Flirting Fancy

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"Ohhh.. Husker..."

There it was. That voice. That unmistakable effeminate male drawl that could only drive both fear and irritation into those yellow eyes with black sclera, making them narrow..

"Oh no..."

"Gimme the usual Husky.." Angel purred flashing the demon cat his best 'come hither' look as he fluffed his head of short hair.

"You have a usual.." One long red brow linked upwards as the tall grey cat casually took a swig from the booze bottle in front o him.

"Wha—O' course I have a usual!!" Angel snarled leaning across the bar, an angry snarl twisting his pretty pale pink face before it froze seeing the slight smirk tweak Husker's white muzzle. "Arh! Quit fuckin' with me an' get mah drink.."

"Here.." Husker poured Angel a large drink into a glass, using the same bottle he had actually been drinking out of.

"That ain't my usual.." Angel responded in a quiet voice, giving a small glance of disapproval at the glass.

"That's your drink. Take it or leave it.." The demon cat flashed him a brief smirk before going in for yet another swig of the bottle of hard liquor. His eyes on Angel the whole time, watching to see how he would react. The tall lanky spider eyed the drink before swiping it off the counter and taking a long drought, clearly not caring if there was spit in it.

"Rough night?" Husker drawled after a moment hiding the fact that he was impressed. He honestly expected the spider to throw the drink in his face, he actually would have got him his 'usual' if he had, not that Angel needed to know that.

"Like you care.." Angel rolled his red eyes in distain.

"No.. Unfortunately part of this job is askin' bullshit questions and pretendin' to listen.." Husker replied gruffly setting the now empty bottle down on the bar top.

"If your pretendin' to listen what's the point in me answerin'.." Angel asked lifting both brows.

"Most folk like to talk.." The cat responded not sounding like he wanted to care.

"Well what if I don't wanna talk.." Angel narrowed his eyes playfully cooed leaning over the bar. "What if I wanna do somethin' else.."

"You can shove it up your ass.." Husker scowled deeply, using one large clawed hand to shove Angel back across to the patrons side of the bar.

"What.. This.." Angel ran his long slim gloved finger around the rim of the bottle sensually. He then slowly slipped his fingers down the neck before grabbing it and lifting it. "Ok big boy since you gotta front row seat.." He purred playfully.

"What! No! Fuck off.." Husker looked uncomfortable and snatched the empty bottle out of the spider's hand and threw it in the trash before he made good on his perverse idea.

"Awwww... I wasn't gonna charge ya.." Angel pouted as if his fun were ruined but Husker only looked relieved that he didn't have to see any more. "And if ya worried about Smiles catchin' us I'll just charge him a voyerism fee... He strikes me as the type."

"Brrr.." Husker shivered in revulsion at the very thought. "No. Trust me, that's not Alastor's kind of entertainment."

"So he says.." Angel rolled his eyes finishing his drink with a smack of his lips.

"Well, well,, Who do we have here?" The sound of that old-timey voice with acute static sounded marking the arrival of said Radio Demon they had been discussing. "My ears are burning boys, you wouldn't happen to be discussing me. Would you?" He was wearing his usual wide, detached smile that didn't quite reach his eyes and gave the hoofed, deer-like demon an unhinged look.

"Pfft... You wish Twinkle-Toes.." Angel responded without the least bit of embarrassment, wearing a cocky smirk.

For a split second Alastor looked in doubt before he broke into that wide smile once more..

"Well that's a relief! I wouldn't want to be mentioned in any of your lewd and vulgar conversations now, would I?" The red haired demon tweaked his monocle as he spoke brightly, "In fact, I just came to remind you of curfew, so if you would kindly cease from harassing the bar staff and retire to your boudoir for the evening that will be all.." Alastor bowed and gestured for Angel to be off at the same time.

"Ok.. Fine.. Whatever. I can take a hint.. Catcha later Husky.." The spider demon turned and gave Husker his flirtiest wink then sashayed out of the lounge bar. He sagged when he reached the stairs grumbling to himself with an irritated look, "Worst pimp ever.. Don't care if you do look like a strawberry.."

"I heeeeard that.." Alastor called back in a song-song voice.

"Good for you fucker, you wanna medal?" Angel called back, rolling his eyes in annoyance at the cock-blocking Radio Demon.

"I want you to go to bed.." Alastor replied though his smile didn't falter there was a flicker of black static across his eyes as the radio demon repressed his irritation with ease.

"Whatcha gonna do if I don't?" Angel cooed back in a childish fashion wanting to bate the Radio Demon as he swung casually on the banister of the stairs.

"This!" Alastor declared with a flourish and pushed his microphone forward. The effect of his power immediate as a red fiery wormhole appeared directly above Angel Dust and sucked him upwards, presumably to dump him in his room..

"Son of a biiiiiitch!!" Was the elongated far cry of shock that could be heard from Angel's voice before the wormhole in the ceiling above the stairs closed. The room fell into complete silence as Alastor turned away from the doorway.

"I do wish he wouldn't insult my mother like that.." The deer-like demon with bright red eyes said looking momentarily put out before grinning once more at Husker. The cat demon had casually been cleaning Angel's glass through this whole exchange.

"Husker my good man, how about—" He only got these words out before the hulking cat demon whipped out a martini for the radio demon.

"Bar's closed. Drink it and get out.." He responded gruffly.

"Not in the mood to be hospitable then?" The Radio Demon asked with a sly look.

"No..." Husker replied with a frown as he casually cleaned the bar with one hand as the other opened another bottle and took a large swig of cheap booze.

"Pity. I couldn't help but notice how flustered you got with Angel, thought I would relieve you of his lecherous grip.. Or, is that where you wished to be?"

"What? Get to fuck!" Husker declared looking outraged while Alastor merely sipped his drink and sat gracefully in the barstool opposite him that Angel had been occupying before being kicked out.

"Mhm.. You've more chance of that than me my good sir.." Alastor said winking, his unhinged smile back once more.

"Hah! With the whore.. No way.." Husker replied slamming the cloth in his hand down. There was no way in hell he would sleep with that flirting floozy of a spider.

"Now, now.. As my mother always said, we mustn't judge things by appearance.." Alastor had shut his eyes briefly as he reprimanded the cat demon who blinked at these words.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Husker growled, still smarting from his earlier offence.

"It's for me to know and you to figure out!" Alastor declared brightly and continued to sip his martini.

"You always were a mind fuck.." Husker threw him a sour look but the Radio Demon merely looked pleased with himself.

"Well, it's the only thing I can fuck so I might as well enjoy it.." He added finishing off his drink and then chewing the olive, dumping the stick in the empty martini glass. "Now, I will bid you adieu.. Don't forget to lock up when your done."

"Yeh, whatever. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out." Husker grumbled back huffing as he watched the pin-stripe wearing demon walk out the door with that annoyingly smug smirk..

......What the hell was he on about? Judging Angel.. The guy was a whore.. What was to judge.. Every night he'd crawl in after doing god knows what at Valentino's, make sexual comments and passes at him until Alastor kicked him out.. Same old, same old... Nothing was gonna change,

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