Part Two: A Ribbing From The Radio Demon

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...Ring, ring.... Ring, ring....

With a heavy groan a long ungloved light pink arm that was lanky with small dainty claws stuck out from the deep cerise covers of the heart-shaped bed. It unhooked the pear-white old-time rotary phone from the distressed french bedside cabinet then receded with the corded handset to the fluffy head of Angel Dust. The still snoozing spider demon turned over revealing a bright pink eye mask with frilly edges as he put the cool receiver to his ear..

"..Hello...."  He mumbled somewhat groggily and incoherent as he had just been rudely awakened.

"Ah! Mr Dust, consider this your wake up call.." The energetically bright voice of the Radio Demon seemed to crackle on the other end of the line and this made Angel frown under his face mask.

"Hey.. Isn't this supposed to be Husker's job.." The spider demon sounded a little suspect, refusing to take the eye mask off. Usually it was the monotonous voice of the cat demon telling him 'to get his lazy ass up before Alastor came and got him up'. He had gotten used to him being on the other end and felt his heart sink at the fact that it was the Radio Demon calling him this morning.

"Usually, yes but I thought I might have more success in cajoling your fainènce hide out of bed.." There was a crooning quality to the Radio Demon's voice that the spider didn't like and he pouted before grinning.

"Oh yeh.. What if I refuse to get outta bed until Husker calls?" Angel snuggled down further into his bed fully prepared to make good on this threat.

There was a long moment of silence which was accompanied by a wave of static and a crackle on the phone line.

"I have a joke for you!" Alastor finally replied in a bright chirping voice that made Angel easily picture the wide sinister beam across his maniacal face.

..Oh hell, here it comes.. Angel's pinky-red eyes rolled under his shut eyelids and mask. Another one of the Radio Demon's awful jokes. He always seemed to have a ready supply of these he could whip out at a moments notice.

"What's round, has four legs, a curly tail and goes—" His words broke off as the ear piece of the phone filled with a loud, shrill, "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...!!"

The effect it had on Angel Dust was immediate as he bolted upright, ripped the phone away from his minute ear and whipped off the eye mask. He recognised the noise immediately and scanned his room for his beloved pet, seeing no sign of Fat Nuggets anywhere.

..Oh no!

"You leave him alone you son of a bitch or I'll—" The spider started to angrily retort down the line but got an eerie chuckle of amusement back.

"Your swine companion is in good hands my attenuated compeer. Assuming that you rise and join your fellow compatriots in the dining hall where I will be serving breakfast shortly.." There was a brief pause before Alastor added in a dark, sinister but still somewhat jovial tone, "And I will thank you kindly if you would stop insulting my mother.." Immediately his end of the line went dead signalling that the Radio Demon had hung up on him.

"Fuckin' asshole.." He muttered slamming the phone back onto it's metal rest before stretching. Since the Radio Demon was now holding Fat Nuggets hostage the spider demon knew he had no choice but to get up, quickly shower, slap as much hydrating cream as he could onto his face and show up for breakfast. Deciding that this was probably not the time to push his luck with Alastor, only he knew what he would do with his beloved pet pig if he arrived downstairs too late...

...After making himself presentable, or at least presentable in his own eyes, Angel Dust arrived downstairs only to receive a confused and blank look from both Charlie and Vaggie who had been talking together in the hallway.

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