Bonus 2: The Arguement

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His heart hurt.... It was filled with pain and it burned his insides. His mind unable to rid itself of the harsh words spoken of the argument that had sparked off this moment of manic depression. He hated feeling like this, he couldn't escape it. So he did what he always did when feeling this low and tortured by his emotions.

Husk lifted the half drunk bottle of Cheap Booze and put it to his lips, drinking the rest in one long drought. He pushed the now empty bottle away with the few that he had already drained.

But not even the booze could numb his feeling of complete worthlessness. The argument just played out over and over in his mind but now it was meshing with other traumas that had happened to him in his former life too..

"I just asked if ya wanted to come.. No need t'be a jerk about it!"

"You can't just ignore your problems woman!! Can't you see how this affects him!!"

"Put your backs into it maggots!! I don't want any Nancy-boys in my unit!!"

"You ain't got the gaul solider..."

"Alright boys, we're shipping out to Vietnam.."

"It's do or die!!"

"Your a monster!"

"All you do is drink!"

"Your just a shell of a man!"


"I'm leaving you.. I can't stay.."

"Ya not even gonna listen t'me now? Urh! Ya just like mi papi.."

"Look at you.... Your just like me, aren'tcha? Just like me.."

"Just like me.."

"Just like me.."

His mother's smirking inebriated voice swirled around his head and he could still picture her in that moment of lucid drunkenness, the snarky lopsided smirk as she had swayed in her seat had scarred him permanently. Of course, she had been referring to his looks as he had only been a nervous ten year old at the time. Like him she had dark hair and despite her chronic alcoholism and husky voice she was a very attractive woman with a frail, slim frame.

This image of her always came to him in his worst moments with that same taunting voice.

Oh. She had no idea how right she was about him.

He had been about to crack open another bottle and drink the contents of it when a knock at the door sounded. In that brief moment his thoughts untangled altogether as his yellow eyes turned with some disbelief...


Angel had returned from his shopping trip feeling somewhat despondent and empty-handed. He wasn't unhappy because he hadn't bought anything, he hadn't bought anything because he was unhappy with how he had left things that morning. He had fallen out with his boyfriend and he had kept a hollow pit in his stomach afterwards as they hadn't made up due to Husk storming out of the suite in frustration and anger. The door slam had made him feel emotional, reminding him of the many fall outs with his father in his youth. In fact, he even compared his irritated boyfriend to his father out loud, that was why Husk had left in the first place. Angel hadn't meant to, it had just slipped out in the heat of his anger.. But he didn't chase down the demon cat with wings, he had just sunk on the bed with a devastated expression. For a while he had just held himself with his lower arms trembling, his head in his upper arms, hiding his watering eyes. When he finally pulled himself together he messaged Cherri Bomb, making a new plan to meet up with her. He had hoped she would help him take his mind off it..

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