Part Seventeen: Stating The Obvious

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It had been a whole two days since anyone had seen either Husk or the Radio Demon. And Angel Dust couldn't hide the disappointment on his face at finding Vaggie behind the bar yet again. The feminist lesbian demon was not happy about being there as she strongly objected to the bar being here and was not shy of voicing her views to anyone who approached the bar.

"What do you want? And make it a good because it's all your getting served tonight.." Her glaring face was almost threatening to the spider demon causing him to sigh dramatically.

"Are you on the rag babe? Cause that is not a welcomin' face.."

"Shove your shitty chauvinistic attitude or I'll bar you right here and now!" Vaggie snapped folding her arms.

"Whoa, whoa... Easy. Ya havin' trouble with the li'l princess. Ain'tcha? I can tell, the frustrated ones usually aren't gettin' laid. I see it all the time in my line'a work.." The spider demon smirked widely, unable to resist knowing it would cost him.

"That's it!! Get out!" She roared looking royally pissed now, jabbing her slim grey index finger to the exit.

"Fine. Whatever. Jokes on you bitch, I gotta bottle of scotch stashed in my room.." Angel uttered unconcerned as he left then added more to himself. "This place is a fuckin' PMS party, the boys better come back soon or I'll have t'relapse justa cope with you broads.."

Vaggie growled hard and gnashed her sharp white teeth. She was shaking with fury at him and seconds away from releasing her rage and tearing her hair out when Charlie appeared.

"What's wrong hon?" The blonde princess asked in a soothing voice, walking over to her girlfriend and flashing her a tender smile.

"That fucking jerk! That's what! He knows his sexist attitude pisses me off.." She ranted. "He does it on purpose!"

"Ok, let's just take a few deep calming breaths.." Charlie said soothingly and the moth demon did what was suggested with the blonde princess counting, "In two, three.. and out, two three.." Vaggie seemed to calm herself in this moment and sigh deflating.

"Please tell me Alastor and Husk are back. I don't think I can take much more of this.." The white haired demon said with the edge of pleading in her voice.

"I haven't heard anything yet but you'll be the first to know when he does." Charlie replied with a small smile. "He's gone to get us some exposure for the hotel since business is kinda slow. I've never dealt with the TV Demon before so I don't know how long it will take exactly.."

Her words made Vaggie let out a small groan and folded both arms across her small chest and huffed, rolling her orange eye..

"Urh.. Everyone is so lazy with names down here.." She uttered in a deadpan voice.

"Greetings and salutations my little darlings.. Forgive the lateness of my return. My associate and I needed to recharge after arriving back at such an inconvenient hour." Came the maniacal and radio-like voice of Alastor as he suddenly appeared into the room with the same wide cheesy grin that never quite seemed to reach his eyes.

"Great, there's another example.." Vaggie added while Charlie grinned vapidly at the red clad Radio Demon with torn edges to the hem of his tailed jacket.

"Alastor, it's great to have you back. Some of us were beginning to worry. D-did it go well with Vox then?" The blonde Princess of Hell clasped her hands together.

"Hahaha, did it go well with Vox? Of course it did my dear. He has agreed to to run an ad on his main network to promote this fine establishment! Providing it is done my way, of course..." He added the last part in a lower voice that sounded deeply unsettling.

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