Part Twenty: The Morning After

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"Where the fuck is he?!" Vaggie's angry voice screeched out as she paced back and forth in the hotel lobby.

"Calm down Vaggie, he'll turn up. He always does.." Charlie smiled from her sitting position in the chair behind reception desk, one hand resting on her chin as she checked her phone again in the hopes that he might have seen the messages she had left. He hadn't. As usual Vaggie was covering front of house until Husk rolled in for his shift which started in the afternoon because there was no way in hell he could get up before noon. The Princess of Hell had been sitting with her because this morning she was supposed to be meeting Angel for his progress review but the demon spider had failed to show up on time.

"You did tell him the time and day, right.." The white-blonde haired moth demon exclaimed as she swooshed her arms in a frustrated matter, turning sharply back to Charlie.

"Of course I did!" The blonde princess replied looking hurt by what her girlfriend was implying, the flash of pain making Vaggie's expression instantly soften.

"Sorry hon. You don't think he's back at the studio again? I mean he wasn't in his room when you checked.." The grey-skinned demon moved back towards front desk and rested a hand on the high countertop, the other going to rest on her hip.

"I hope not.." Charlie uttered looking glum for a second before grinning and straightening, "Let's not think like this, I'm sure he'll be down here soon with a perfectly reasonable explanation. You know what I think we should do while we're waiting here?" The princess' voice rose higher into an excitable squeally pitch, her fists bunching in just below of her face as she suddenly bounced excitedly.

Vaggie sighed.

"Get a couple of Frappuccinos from the Scarbucks down the street.." She added in a flat voice knowing exactly what her girlfriend was thinking.

"You knew what I was thinking.... Boop." The blonde princess briefly touched her nose with a wide childish smile and bright shiny glee in her eyes.

"So you want caramel or vanilla syrup in yours?" Vaggie finally asked resisting the strong urge to roll her eye and chose to ignore what had just happened.

"Ooh. Vanilla please.. And here comes the best part!! We can decorate them with edible sparkles and coloured unicorn mallows! I ordered some online and they came in the mail this morning.." Charlie smiled with manic delight then added as her girlfriend moved to the main doors and opened the left door to the hotel, "Love you!"

"You too hon.." Vaggie finally flashed a tender smile as her other half ran off to get the package she wanted, clearly already planning on how to decorate her coffee. She then walked out to buy the drinks.


Was this what it felt like to be happy? To be... Loved?

"Quit fucking staring at me Tony.." Husk's gruff voice broke Angel Dust, who had indeed been staring up at him, out of his thoughts completely. The demon cat, who he thought had been asleep was apparently not and hadn't even bothered to open his eyes either..

"Well good mornin' to you too, mi amore.." The spider demon cooed in a soft sultry voice towards the pink striped pointed ear cavity that was lying near the pillow just above. The effect was immediate as Husk's yellow eyes snapped open, his expression was one of surprise.

"Hmf. Morning.." He uttered automatically, blinking several times as the room around them had a faint red shade from the daylight of Hell having natural red hues to it since they were so far away from the surface world. He had woken up when he felt the lithe spider first stir due to him still being entangled around his body and sandwiched between him and the bed but had chosen to doze and not give away that he was awake too.

"Last night was amazin'.. I've never felt anythin' like that before." Angel continued in the same sweetly seductive voice. His odd sclera eyes were narrowed, his top set of hands were stroking the grey furred shoulders above the joints of his wings that were covering them like a blanket of feathers at the moment. His lower set was holding him around the chest, the tips if his smaller fingers brushing the short feathers on the inner edge of his wings.

"What? Fuck off!" Husky frowned in disbelief, not believing what had just spouted out of the slim pale pink spider's mouth.

"No, no.. I'm serious. Your the first guy who's ever given a fuck about what I want in bed. Guys just use me to fulfil whatever fuckin' weird-ass fantasy they got cookin' in their fucked-up heads. Your hands down the best I've ever had, no fuckin' contest.." Angel said looking deadly serious and the two demons shared an oddly somber look before the demon cat lowered his eyes, propped himself up by his elbow and rubbed his eyes with a heaving sigh.

"That's the most depressin' shit I've heard in a long time, y'know that." His voice came out softer somewhat saddened by this information. His grey hand with long white claw-like fingers lowered and he seemed to muse on this new information with a solemn expression.

"Hah! Fuckin' tell me about it, I'm livin' it!" Angel's upper set of hands momentarily left the shoulders they had been resting against as his eyes rolled up then down, annoyed with himself for what he had been missing all these lonely years as the arms moved to hug around his lover's neck.

"So.... You've never had a boyfriend either then?" Husk finally spoke after a moment of silent contemplation, still looking thoughtful.

"Uh... No. Not one that I can recall anyway.. I-I mean I've always kinda wanted one but, well, heh. Nobody's ever wanted to look past the persona before...." He tailed off feeling suddenly awkward about the whole thing. His life early did sound like some sad, depressing shit show now he said this out loud. It made the pale pink spider exhale slowly starting to feel the horrible swell of depression and self-loathing return. What the hell had he done to himself?

Nothing was said for a long moment before Husk finally broke it looking like his mind was made up on what he was going to do.

"Well I guess there's only one thing to do then.."

"What's tha—" Angel's question was cut off when his lips were captured into a fierce kiss. He barely had time to even comprehend what was happening much less respond when the lips retreated and he felt himself being pulled upright into a sitting position as Husk sat up with him now in his lap.

"We should wash this shit outta our fur. You wanna join me?" His grey furred head with white muzzle jerked towards the bathroom door, those long red eyebrows raising as a smirk tweaked his lips.

"Ya fuckin' right I do!" Angel said already pulling himself out of his new boyfriend's grip, glad he had pulled off the boots before going to sleep..


"What happened to you!" Vaggie snapped the second Angel finally made his appearance in the lobby of the hotel.

"Huh? Oh, what I do now sister.." The fuzzy warm feeling in his chest vanishing the moment he had been confronted by her.

"You missed your progress review!" The grey-skinned girl stated as if this was obvious.

"Shit! That was today?" Angel blinked before smirking a little, "Oh well, guess that won't be happenin' with all the guests we—- Hahaha! I can't even say that with a fuckin' straight face..." The spider doubled over laughing hard as he clutched his sides before finally pulling himself together after a good laugh. "We couldn't be fuckin' deader if we tried, I'll just go find Charlie and we'll get this shit show on the road.." He added with a smirk.

"Urh... Can you try to take this seriously. It's hard enough for her with Alastor not doing that, she doesn't need it from you too!" The white blonde moth demon shot back with both hands on her hips.

"Fine, fine.. I'll be nice as pie.. Now quit ridin' me bitch, that's not your job." Angel rolled his eyes before heading off to track down Charlie as Vaggie growled. Her attention soon caught by Husk who reached around her to grab the keys from the bar.

"And you! Your late!" She screeched out in frustration making the cat demon blink before resuming his usual apathetic attitude.

"Do I look like I give a fuck.." He said with no emotion in his voice and wandered off to open the bar.

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