Bonus: Ticklish?

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"I still don't get why you insist in keeping those boots on. I've already seen your feet numerous times already." Husk rolled his yellow eyes wearily as Angel settled beside him on the large heart-shaped bed with pink comforter that he had settled himself down on.

"Aw, c'mon on.. y'know I don't like my ugly feet." The spider demon couldn't quite keep the slight whine out of his voice which made his older looking boyfriend exhale.

"They aren't ugly. They are just your feet, learn to accept them." Husk flashed him a withering gaze then picked up the bottle of cheap booze sitting by his side of the bed. After taking a swig before offering the bottle to his more effeminate partner with thin soft pale pink fur still wearing his thigh length stiletto boots with his silk dressing gown.

"Easy for you to say, mi amore..." He broke off to take a mouthful of the strong booze then gasped as he handed the bottle back. "Your feet are big adorable paws." Angel added as his odd sclera pink eyes turned to look at the large curved feet of Husk's which were grey with white toes and firm pink pads on white fur underneath.

"Everyone has things they dislike about themselves but they learn to accept them and live with it. As you know I don't sweat normally with this thick fur and these long feathers but I've learned to accept it." With one long finger he hooked Angel's soft rounded chin and grinned flashing those yellow sharp teeth.

"Yeh but my feet are just stumps with hooks!" Angel retorted in a somewhat huffy voice pulling back and scowling as he unzipped his boots and pulled them off and sat back on the bed. This time he perched himself right in Husk's lap so his long legs sat flush inside those much larger grey one's. His pink eyes looking disappointed at his small misshapen feet with darker pink stripes. Behind him Husk gripped the younger spider's shoulders, pulling him back against his white furry chest and holding him close.

"They just look like feet to me." The cat demon murmured softly kissing his soft pink furred cheek. Almost as soon as he had said this Angel quickly tucked his feet under his knees, scooting forwards out of Husk's lap now sitting between his knees. This made the demon cat exhale heavily and slump back against the headboard in some incredulousness at the situation.

"I would rather have feet like yours.." The spider demon replied keeping his own feet under his short deep pink silk dressing gown as he looked fondly at his boyfriend's feet that were laid out in front of him. His words making Husk chuckle at the pure ridiculousness of the idea.

"You'd hate it, they don't make boots in my foot shape.." The demon cat smirked, reaching for the booze bottle and taking another casual sip while watching his younger pale pink furred boyfriend setting it down .

"That's alright. Ya don't need them." Angel glanced back with a warm look before turning back and stretching his small ungloved soft pink furred fingers with short, neatly filed hooked nails towards Husk's foot. "Ya got these thick pads underneath—"

"Hu-ngh!!" The cat demon grimaced widely, squeezing his eyes tight shut and pulling the foot immediately out of his boyfriend's grip, putting it down flat on the bed behind him. This made Angel turn and grin at the uncomfortable expression on his boyfriend's face.

"Heh, are ya ticklish, bello?" He cooed in a sultry, teasing voice before gripping the other grey furred leg before Husk could pull it back.

"No. No, don't you fucking dare!" The cat demon responded moving forward and gripping Angel around the shoulders stopping him from stretching his top arms stopping him from using those arms to tickling him. This only made Angel smirk widely, his third set of arms manifesting out from just above his waist and moving to gently touch the pads under the foot he had trapped. "I mean it.. Baby, please don't!" Husk added in an almost pleading tone.

"Aww.. Your so cute when ya beg but weren'tcha the one just tellin' me to accept myself completely?" The spider cooed playfully, that grin widening flashing more of his gold tooth which glinted in the dim lamplight. He then began stroking the thick pink pad of his boyfriend's foot.

"Hmh— Haha.. Stop, heh, I'm serious.." Husk squirmed pulling, twisting and jerking to try and avoid the gentle torture but Angel was surprisingly resilient and held on. "Th—Haha-t's it!" The next moment Husk released the lithe pale pink furred spider's upper arms, surprising his boyfriend making him pause before those long white claw-like fingers began to run teasingly under his armpits. In mere moments the roles had been reversed and Angel was squirming and chortling under the swift movements.

"Ok.. Ok.. You win.. You win.." He laughed freely and sighed flopping back into Husk's shoulder when those long fingers stopped and those large hands slid around Angel's small waist and chest, holding him close. "I guess we're both ticklish then, huh?" He murmured still a little breathless, turning his head to give his boyfriend a narrow-eyed gaze of fondness and ignoring the fact that his uncovered feet were free from hiding.

"It seems so.." Husk hummed in agreement as Angel slipped his arms around his neck then pressed his lips against the lips of his boyfriend's in a soft compassionate kiss, in an almost soft apology. When they parted he kept his pale pink furred face close, his long fringe resting against the grey and white arch of Husk's forehead.

"Mi amore?" Angel's soft voice whispered with an inflection of a question.

"Mm?" The cat demon hummed curiously as he stroked his boyfriend's cheek gently.

"Do ya, maybe, wanna move in here with me?" Angel's voice sounded somewhat timid, his odd sclera pink eyes opening to gaze unsurely before he added, "Ya don't have'ta, I-I just thought that since we ain't slept apart since hookin' up it—" He was silenced when Husk pushed his lips against his in a heavy passionate kiss, the two of them sliding down onto the bed without breaking their intimate contact...


"What's the mattah?" Angel's voice was breathless. He was pinned underneath Husk's hips as his boyfriend had been plying his body with searing hot kisses and gentle, teasing caresses with his long claw-like fingers. At least he had until his whole body seemed to stiffen and freeze, his head staring off to the side of the bed.

"Your pig is watching us.." Husk responded gruffly then immediately climbed off the lithe pale pink spider demon looking reluctant to continue making Angel huff and sit up just enough to look over.

"What?" He responded puffing in a little frustration as he was already aroused by the attention he had been getting before this. Once his eyes looked over he saw that Fat Nuggets was indeed looking over at the bed somewhat curiously while confused. "Urh! So? He won't know what your doin' t'me.. Just ignore him, mi amore. He'll go back to bed.." Angel cooed turning towards his boyfriend and letting his hands slink over the white fur of Husk's abdomen in an attempt to coax him back.

"I can't.." The grey and white furred demon cat uttered softly, his log red plume like brows looking apologetic and uncomfortable. "Not with him looking at us.."

"Fine. I'll get ridda him then.." Angel groaned heavily, this only making him feel more exasperated as his needs weren't being met. He then turned back towards Fat Nuggets who was still looking over at them and scowled. "Go on.. Bed!" He added tersely to the soft pink skinned piglet with darker spots. When the small pig only cocked a head then stood up looking pleased to have someone's attention the spider groaned into his hand then waved it trying to repress his irritation with his pet for not listening. "No! Go to your bed! Go on.. Git! Shoo!"

There was a pause where nothing happened before Fat Nuggets finally moved. Unfortunately for Angel he chose to move right up towards the edge of the bed where his owner then instantly dropped his head onto the pink bed and groaned out in annoyance. The small pig only grunted happily now sitting at the side of him on the floor, his tiny wiggly tail flicking back and forth excitedly.

"No... Not over here ya mook.." Angel grumbled.

"Still think it's a good idea for us to share a room?" Husk suddenly quipped in behind him in some dry amusement at his suffering which only made Angel lift his head and frown..

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