Part Seven: Escape From The Studio

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"What in the nine circles is goin' on?!" Came the high-toned angry voice of Valentino as the tall blue demon with pink jacket with white fluffy cuffs and heart shaped glasses jammed his head out of the hole that had been blasted through the wall of his penthouse suite of the Porn Studios building.

"Hey shit stick! Wanna party?" Came the call of Cherry Bomb. The strawberry blonde haired demon cyclops tossing and catching an unlit bomb as she narrowed her eye with a wicked smile.

"Oh. Uh, uh.. You did not throw just that bomb at me! And I do not party with crazy bitches.." Valentino retorted back looking more annoyed.

"Come on Val, we all know the only bitch here is you! Vox is the one running the show. So where is the TV asshole anyway?" Cherry asked lighting her bomb.

"Who the fuck said my name?" Came the distinct static like deep voice of Vox as the extremely tall, thin demon with the flatscreen television head popped his enormous rectangle head through the hole in the wall. His red eyes looking curious.

"What the hell yo doin' man, I told y'all I take care of it.." Valentino sounded suddenly looking sour at the arrival of his partner. Missing the fact that at this moment Cherry Bomb chose time throw her second bomb, aiming right at Vox' massive head...



The second bomb noise came with another blast of shockwaves but Angel Dust didn't wait for them to subside as he smashed the window in with the handle end of his Tommy gun and crawled out. Not a hard thing to do since his body was flexible, able to contort to fit the tiny window and squeeze through. Without even waiting he kept off the incredibly high window, his gun dematerialised as he used all six limbs to brace his impact onto the ground. He quickly picked himself up and ran off down the back alley..


"Vox! Vox, speak to me brother!" Valentino cried out, shaking the television demon as his flatscreen head read 'experiencing technical difficulties' as a happy little jingle came from him. It was followed by the sound of changing channel and his screen head flickered before his face returned looking pissed off.

"That bitch is going down!" He roared, his voice fuzzing slightly like when the volume is too loud on a TV set, he then grabbed Valentino and let the Pimp demon haul him upright..

...Cherry Bomb grinned in excitement at the various demons in 'Security' jackets that were coming for her, obviously attracted by the noise of her bombs.

"Now this is what I call a party!" She cackled in delight tossing a few more bombs before the sound of spraying bullets came in retaliation and this made her duck down in a street trench. The sound of distant explosions and the sound of agonising demon screams made her smile widen before something signalling away from the fight made her turn her head.

Angel Dust was beckoning her over to him from an alley across the street.

"C'mon, c'mon.. Before Vox throws himself into the fight. Ya know ya can't win against him.." She could just about make out his voice over the gun fire. Knowing he was right and that the whole point of this was to just break him out anyway the strawberry blonde demon threw a few more bombs then dashed over to where her long-time friend was hiding.

"Shit Angie, he beat you up bad.." Cherry Bomb exclaimed looking at the state of the roughed up spider demon.

"Eh. It's been worse than this but yeh, it's pretty bad.." Angel Dust responded and both of them peered back out of the alleyway now seeing Vox outside the damaged Porn Studios building, clearly looking for her. His face was flickering rapidly as his red eyes flared through the rubble and smoke.

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