Part Nine: Getting To Know You

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"Show me it again."



"No. Stop whining."

"Only if you show me again. Please..."

Husk exhaled heavily, his grey furred shoulders sagging downward as his white furred face turned upwards with the exaggerated expression of someone put upon and at their wits end. Opposite his bar Angel Dust was leaning forward throwing his best attempt at a cutsie pleading look which, quite frankly, disturbed Husk more than affected him emotionally. He inwardly cursed the Radio Demon for telling everyone he knew how to do magic tricks, he was never going to get peace now..

"Fine... But this is the last time!" The tall cat demon responded straightening and pulling off his black top hat with the red band. His clawed fingers pulled out a set of cards before returning the top hat to his head. His long pointed ears moving sideways momentarily to allow the hat to sit comfortably on his head. In his free hand he grabbed the bottle of Cheap Booze and took a large swig before putting it down and expertly shuffling the cards.

As the spider demon settled back into his seat he couldn't help but enjoy the way the cards fluttered back and forth through Husk's deft clawed fingers. The next moment they were spread out in a semi-circle in front of him.

"Pick a card, look at it and put it back." Husk said in a monotonous voice taking a swig of his booze bottle and leaning on one elbow.

"Jeez, a little showmanship wouldn't kill ya, would it?" Angel responded but picked up a card, the three of diamonds, glanced at it and slipped it back.

"We didn't agree to that.." Husk stayed plainly before shuffling the card once more then picking out a card and showing it to the spider demon.

"Nah, that ain't it.."

"You sure?" Husk added turning it around to reveal the three of diamonds.

"Ok, you gotta tell me. How did you get so good at that.." Angel asked still finding the trick impressive even though this was his fourth time seeing it and Husk was fed up with performing it.

"Practise.." Husk picked up all the playing cards in one swipe and put them back under his hat.

"Yeh but there's got to be more to it than that. What got you started?" Angel Dust asked curiously. He'd had no idea that the sullen cat demon had such a knack for card tricks. He'd watched Husk's magic routine with the same wide-eyed wonder that Charlie had. Fascinated by this hidden talent.

"Why'd you wanna know about that?" The winged cat demon asked, his long red eyebrows tweaking.

"Well, since ya won't lemmie flirt with ya I figured gettin' t'know ya might be the next best option." The spider demon replied taking a sip of his current drink.

Husk narrowed his eyes and was silent for a moment.

"My dad owned a casino.. I used to like the magic shows, no big deal." He eventually replied and this made Angel Dust's smile widen, it was only a slither of information but he was happy all the same.

"Wow, really? That's pretty cool.. Was your dad a nice guy?" The spider demon asked intrigued, wondering what kind of relationship they had.

"Eh. He never paid that much attention to me. He was busy and pretty much left me to my own devices.." Husk responded before taking a particularly long drought out of his bottle of cheap booze.

"Pfft, luck you. I was always a disappointment to my papi. First because I refused to join his gang and follow in his footsteps. Then when he found out I was gay he threw me out on my ass. Said he never wanted to see me again.. Now here we are, both in hell and I do my best to avoid him." There was a deep look of bitterness in the spider demon's odd sclera eyes.He thought briefly about his little brother, the golden boy who had abandoned him almost as quick as his dad.. He never wanted to see either of them again, he didn't need them..

"Hmh. I didn't have to tell my dad jack. I got drafted into the army as soon as I hit recruiting age and shipped off to war... was never the same when I finally came back.."

"What happened?" Angel Dust's blinked.

"PTSD.. Though the term didn't exist at the time so I just started drinking more, gambling more then bam, dead. Woke up here and the rest is history.." The cat demon took another gulp of his booze and added gruffly, "Let's not talk about this anymore.."

"Ok.." The spider demon responded with an automatic small smile, trying to mask his pity knowing Husk wouldn't want it. "You totally got fuckin' robbed y'know.."

"What?" The winged cat demon queried looking confused.

"You shoulda won that talent contest.." Angel Dust replied with a smile. "Your act was the best in my book."

"I don't care for awards.. So it doesn't matter."

"I know, was just sayin' cause it's true.." The spider demon responded. "And thanks for helpin' me out tonight." He smiled finishing off his current drink.

"Oh... Your welcome.." Husk replied looking a little awkward, taking a large swig of his booze bottle.. Silence fell over the two now and their eyes travelled the empty bar around them..

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